
art%3a10-1007%2fs10896-016-9835-x_page_01Morrison, P., Jones, K., Miller, E., Cluss, P., Hawker, L., George, D., Bicehouse, T., Fleming, R., & Chang, J. (2019). Human services utilization among male IPV perpetrators: Relationship to timing and completion of batterer intervention programs. Violence and Victims, 34(4).

Morrison, P., George, D., Cluss, P. A., Miller, E., Hawker, L., Fleming, R., Bichehouse, T., Burke, J., & Chang, J. (2019). Male intimate partner violence perpetrators’ perceptions of the positives and negatives of peer interactions in group batterer intervention programs. Violence Against Women, 30.

Morrison, P., Hawker, L., Miller, E., Cluss, P. A., George, D., Fleming, R., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., Burke, J., & Chang, J. C. (2019). The operational challenges for batterer intervention programs results from a 2-Year study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(13).

Pallatino, C., Morrison, P., Miller, E., Burke, J., Cluss, P., Fleming, R., Hawker, L., George, D., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., & Chang, J. (2019). The role of accountability in batterer intervention programs and community response to intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Issues, 34(7), 631-643. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1007/s10896-019-00050-6

McCallister, C., Akers, A., Worlds, A., & Morrison, P. (2019). Messages about contraception and condoms in mother-adolescent dyadic conversations: knowledge, risks and effectiveness. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynocology. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1016/j.jpag.2019.02.117

Morrison, P., Miller, E., Hawker, L., Cluss, P. A., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., George, D., Fleming, R., Burke, J., & Chang, J. C. (2018). The influence of batterer intervention programs on male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Reports of change in beliefs and behaviors. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1080/10509674.2018.1487900

Ramchandani, K., Morrison, P., Gold, M. A., & Akers, A. A. (2018). Abstinence messages in conversations between mothers and their young adolescent sons and daughters. Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 31(2), 107-115.

Rak, K. J., Kuza, C. C., Ashcraft, L. E., Morrison, P., Angus, D. C., Barnato, A. E., Hravnak, M., Hershey, T. B., & Kahn, J. M. (2017). Identifying strategies for effective telemedicine use in intensive care units: the ConnECCT study protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #:

Krans, E. E., Rothenberger, S. D., Morrison, P., Young Park, S., Klocke, L., Turocy, M. J., & Zickmund, S. Hepatitis C virus knowledge among pregnant women with opioid use disorder. Maternal and Chilld Health, 22(8), 1208–1216.

Morrison, P., Miller, E. P., Burke, J., Cluss, P. A., Fleming, R., Hawker, L., George, D., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., & Chang, J. C. (2017). Adult male perpetrators’ perspectives on what prevention approaches work best for young boys at risk of future intimate partner violence perpetration. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.

Morrison, P., Miller, E. P., Hawker, L., Cluss, P. A., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., George, D., Fleming, R., Burke, J., & Chang, J. C. Male IPV perpetrators’ reports of change in attitudes and behaviors: results from a two-year ethnographic study of batterer intervetion programs. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. [Accepted August 2017].

Holland, CL., Nkumsah, MA., Morrison, P., Tarr, JA., Rubio, D., Rodriguez, KL., Kraemer, KL., Day, N,, Arnold, RM., & Chang, JC. “Anything above marijuana takes priority”: Obstetric Providers’ Attitudes and Counseling Strategies Regarding Perinatal Marijuana Use. Pre-published: Patient Education and Counseling.

Morrison, P., Hawker, L., Miller, E., Cluss, P., George, D., Fleming, R., Bicehouse, T., Wright, K., Burke, J., & Chang, J. The operational challenges for batterer intervention programs: results from a two year study. Pre-Published: Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Morrison, P., Cluss, P. Miller, E., Fleming, R., Hawker, L., Bicehouse, T., George, D., Wright, K., & Chang, J. Elements needed for quality batterer intervention programs: Perspectives of professionals working with intimate partner violence. Pre-published: Journal of Family Violence.

Morrison, P. Macia, L., Ha0888-4552-38-2-18-fp-png_v03mm, M., McCarthy, R., & Rak, K. (2016) Bridging the Gap between anthropology and health services research. Practicing Anthropology, 38 (2): 18-21.

Kennedy, D., Brown, R., Morrison, P., Vie, L., & Tucker, J. Risk Evaluations and Condom Use Decisions of Homeless Youth: A Multi-Level Qualitative Investigation, Pre-Published: BMC-Public Health.

Jackson Foster, L. J., Lee, M., Morrison, P., Davis, E., Miller, E., & Akers, A. Y. (2014) Parental perceptions of the importance of adolescent mental health information, Health and Social Work, 40 (3): e117-e125

Morrison, P., Nikolajski, C., Borrero, S. & Zickmund, S. (2014) Youth perspectives on risk and resiliency: a case study from Juiz de Fora, Brazil, Youth & Society, 46 (4): 505-528.

Morrison, P., Smith, A.E., & Akers, A (2014) Gender differences in risk-taking among Brazilian adolescents, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 30 (4): 794-804.

Akers, A., Davis, E., Jackson, J., Morrison, P., Sucato, G. Miller, E. & Lee, M.J. (2013) Parental report of receipt of adolescent preventive health counseling services from pediatric providers, Patient Education and Counseling, 94 (2): 269-275.

Morrison, P., Nikolajski, C. & Zickmund, S. (2013) When we think about risk, we think about rights: community based organizations’ staff members’ perspectives on risk, resiliency and rights in Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Health, Risk & Society, 15 (4): 347-362

Hall, D., Morrison, P., Nikolajski, C., Fine, M., Arnold, R., & Zickmund, S. (2012) Not just for surgeons any more: iMedConsent as an early tool for informed decision making. The American Journal of Surgery, 204: 619-625