SEPM Planetary Research Group meeting

Monday night at GSA, the SEPM Planetary Research Group held their first ever in-person meeting! Turnout was small but engaged, and we’re very excited to hold more in-person meetings in the future as we grow the group. Thanks to everyone who joined! Please send me an email, or even comment here, if you’d like to officially join the group to make sure you don’t miss any relevant notices in the future.



Welcoming new Planetary Sedimentology Lab members

This semester, we welcomed Kaitlyn Stacey (PhD student) and Zach Baran (undergraduate) to the group!

Kaitlyn earned her BS and MS in Geology from the University of Texas at Dallas. Here is what she has to say about her research interests:

My research interests revolve around using morphology to characterize the lithological properties of sediments and the ancient landscapes in which they formed. I am motivated by understanding how surface processes shape the Martian landscape and relating what we know about these processes on Earth to other planets. I am currently working on studying how fluvial dune morphology in inverted ridges in Utah can help us understand similar fluvial ridges on Mars, and ultimately the history of water and erosion on Mars. When I’m not doing field work, I enjoy spending time with my cats, Scully and Dax, and going spelunking.

Zach will be numerically modeling the evolution of topography on Mars.



In person at GSA: SEPM Planetary Research Group meeting

GSA Connects ’22 is only a month away! We have some details to share about our in-person Research Group meeting.

Who? The SEPM Planetary Research Group and all interested colleagues are invited! No pre-registration or membership necessary.

What? The format will be an informal poster session. Please bring any planetary poster you might have, whether or not you have shown it at this year’s GSA, as well as any Earth sedimentary geology poster you think might be of interest as an analog. We especially encourage students to bring posters. We will provide the materials to hang posters. We will have a brief introduction, and then let folks loose to discuss posters and mingle with colleagues new and old. Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Where? Room Agate A.

When? Monday, October 10, 2022, 7-10 pm Mountain time

Why? SEPM’s Planetary Research Group provides a unique opportunity to bring together geologists working on the sedimentary record of different planets and moons. We hope this in-person meeting will lead to new ideas, collaborations, and insights.
