September 20

Cheat Code for Criminals

Some people believe crime shows to be the resource center for all things criminal.  With the inside scoop of what to do (or not to do) in order to quite literally get away with murder, what better place for criminals to find all their deviant information?  Well, in reality, a criminal getting all information from cop shows would have a better chance winning the lottery twice than successfully pulling off their heist (sorry to discourage all of you unlawful citizens of the world). How Accurate are Crime Shows on TV? Debunking 7 Common Myths | Rasmussen  University

How accurate are crime shows on TV?

Although many fall subject to the common misconception that crime shows can give too much information to possible criminals, our friends over at Science News reassure us that this theory is far from credited.  If you are interested in this popular, but highly accusative and discredited myth, go check out their cite for more details on what they refer to as the ‘CSI Effect.’

Slightly contradictory to our last source, the folks involved at HowStuffWorks believe that although these shows don’t deliver criminals with an instruction manual with play-by-play steps on committing felonies, the series may open their eyes to the importance of things such as forensic evidence.  But then again, this is really just common knowledge that any delinquent would already suspect (assuming they’re any good at their day job).

So for shows that discuss everything crime related, and one show literally being named How to GetHow To Get Away with Murder - "Day One and you're unprepared" - YouTube Away With Murder (great series btw, would highly suggest), why don’t they encourage criminal behavior? Good question.  Well for one, these Crime TV Show Dramas are just that.  Dramas.  They are made to keep the audience anticipating the subjects next move and obviously highly scripted.

Day One: How to Get Away With Murder

Digital Spy falsifies all aspects of crime television as they ask a forensic assistant for their thoughts on the matter.  Sophie Harris, the articles interviewee, expresses her frustration with the lack of protocol observed in these popular shows and explains her preference for true crime shows (another favorite genre of mine).  Most police-related series’ are far from accurate since creating a script that follows all requirements of the field would be rather monotonous.  Returning to the Lab Amid COVID-19: Tips to Manage the Transition to  Reopening | Corning

So if criminals aren’t the target audience of this genre, who is? Why, another good question.

In conversation with my peers, I’ve found that most people who are enticed by the Crime TV Show Dramas are reeled in by the psychological aspects behind the shows. They are people who strive to learn more about the human brain and the triggers for people’s actions.  If anything, the audiences of these shows are more likely to become paranoid that they will become victims of crime rather than becoming criminals themselves.                                                                                         Picture Source

I’m even a strong supporter of this claim.  I love anything crime related but am far from a delinquent myself.  I’m an uptight, anxious, studious young adult who cares deeply about her civic responsibilities.  So it checks out when I’ve used this knowledge and interest of the genre to pursue a career in forensic psychology rather than joining the life of crime.  Guess TV isn’t all that bad anyhow.



September 8

My Top 4 (because I couldn’t decide on my Top 3)

Best 4 Crime Drama TV Shows (in my humble, but correct, opinion)

Being the indecisive individual that I am, this was far from an easy task.  We’ve already established my love for anything crime related, especially when it comes to entertainment, but lets narrow my scope of interest.  Below I have summarized four of my top favorite Crime Drama TV Shows and how they have each earned their spot.  Not only is this a great display of character referring to myself, but also a great reference for anyone trying to enter the world of crime show nerds.  All are welcome here.

  1. Criminal Minds Criminal Minds: Season 10 : Shemar Moore, Joe Mantegna, Matthew Gray Gubler, A.J. Cook, Thomas Gibson, Kirsten Vangsness, Gary Sinise, Anna Gunn, Jennifer Love Hewitt: Movies & TV

Criminal Minds.  An oldie but a goodie.  With 15 seasons and 324 episodes of pure bliss, this series is somehow still always on my must re-watch playlist.  The show holds my attention as each episode stars a new unsub but continues developing the “off-work” drama within the show.  With an ongoing plot between members of the BUA and strong emotions that combine work flings and crime, what more could one really ask for?  I’ve seen the entire series countless times and still find new things to like about it with every episode.  The Insider discovers things even I didn’t know about Criminal Minds in their article that covers topics like Reid’s famous eyewear to JJ’s young actors in the making.  The well developed characters in this show pull at your heart-  strings as you follow them through their emotional struggles that come with such a mentally draining job.  And if that doesn’t sell you yet, Matthew Gubler as Spencer Reid should do the trick.

photo-criminal minds

2. How to Get Away With MurderHow to Get Away with Murder (season 5) - Wikipedia

This show must have an interesting audience with a title like that.  Much like its title, this show pulls you in and commands your attention.  It highlights the eerie world of unexpected victims (and more so, unexpected killers) as the audience finds out just how much someone is capable of when going through times of stress and irrational thinking.  After all, law school is no joke.  This story is unique as it follows a group of law students as they struggle their way through apprentices, intense professors, and oh yea, did I mention murder?  The plot is injected with steamy dramas and plenty of flings to keep anyone interested.  I mean, they are still college kids.  With a bad boy TA and a sassy teacher’s pet, How to Get Away with Murder is fitting for all crowds.


3) BlacklistThe Blacklist (TV Series 2013– ) - IMDb

If you’ve never heard of Blacklist, you must literally be living under a rock.  This show is different from others in this genre because you get to work with a real life criminal.  And by real life criminal I mean actor James Spader.  Spader, playing Raymond in the film, carries the humor in this series.  Check out this short video for some of his finest moments.  The fast-paced plot of the film combined with enough cliff-hangers to push you onto the edge of your seat, makes for an enticing turn of events that I can’t even predict.  I do formally apologize to my dad who I ask way too many questions to during our routine Blacklist viewings.


Watch Only Murders in the Building | Full episodes | Disney+

4) Only Murders in the Building

Okay I know what you guys are thinking.  In my last post I said this was my current fav.  And it is, BUT it can’t top my three OG’s quite yet.  First of all, this show starts Selena Gomez. Need I say more?  The Variety shows an inside clips of the three main actors and their plans for future seasons.   In the short video, you can realize why it was so easy for the crew to insert humor into the plot.  This show stands out from other Crime Show TV Dramas due to its immense wit and somewhat absurd story plot. With popular actors and comedy carrying the plot, this show will hold your attention and keep you wanting more.
