Steve Carell…kidnapped?
Steve Carell playing Alan Strauss in The Patient
Don’t worry guys, our man Steve is doing just fine. But I can’t wait to fill everyone in on his new show, The Patient, I have recently started on Hulu. I’m allowing this series to fit into my “crime drama shows” because it’s definitely dramatic and (spoiler alert) the main character is a serial killer. Differing greatly from Carell’s last series, Space Force, this series is much more eerie in nature. The show tells the story of a serial killer who kidnaps his therapist in hopes that he could obtain help in stopping his “bad habit.”
The Vulture does an amazing job elaborating on the techniques utilized within the scenes to create a feeling of isolation and a narrow-scoped setting. Unlike other crime dramas, I would describe this show as more of a psychological thriller. But being the wanna-be forensic psychologist that I am, I couldn’t help but write about it.
The two characters in the show allow for a strong juxtaposition but leaves the audience wanting more outside of the unfinished basement where the majority of the scenes take place. In an interview with the set director for the show, Lisa Son tells IndieWire about the mission behind the closed setting. The job of the film is to put the audience in the same space as Alan, the kidnapped therapist, to put the flashbacks he experiences while in isolation into perspective.
My favorite part of this interview is whenever Lisa Son explains the role of the basement as a “supporting character.” With limited outside influence on the duo in the basement, the setting plays an enormous part in setting the tone and moving along the plot.
If you don’t believe this sort of intimate mood is right for you, don’t steer away from all crime dramas. Most shows in these dramas develop all sorts of characters, with The Blacklist being a strong example of a criminal who knows just about everyone. The folks over at Seek-a-Critique conduct a solid breakdown on the main character in The Blacklist, Reddington, and how his charisma leads him to having connections across the continents.
But I digress.
Now that we know everyone else’s views on the newly released series, I’m sure you guys are just absolutely dying to know my opinion. In all honestly, for the first few episodes I couldn’t quit the binge. Now, with five episodes down, I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish the ten-episode series. I think I prefer shows where there are more characters and slightly more lively, contrasting the isolated and intimate feel this series offers. With that being said, this series definitely has a place in many people’s lives, just maybe not mine.
I would recommend this show to anyone who is deeply intrigued in psychological and behavioral roots as the limited characters and intense shots offer a whole deal of opportunities for in-depth analysis on the two personas. It can also provide a short break for the chaotic nature of most crime shows and a little change-of-pace some may be looking for.
If you’re still not sure if this sounds like the series for you, check out the trailer below! Happy binging.
I have been dying to watch this show. Almost every time me and my roommate are watching TV we see an ad for this. Steve Carell has been doing amazing work recently in drama roles. The one that comes to mind is Beautiful Boy. I can’t wait to see him in a similar role, like the one in this show.