Just Go for Green – 5 Easy Plants for Dorms

A step towards less pollution? Something small to bring color to your room? Maybe just looking for a greener tomorrow? 

It sounds like the thing you’re looking for is a new plant. Unfortunately, due to the high maintenance so many common house plants have, it can be difficult to pick through the plants that would work in your home away from home.

That being said, compiled below is a list of five great, low-maintenance plants for your dorm that won’t die during a busy week of college life.

1. Lucky BambooBraided Lucky Bamboo | Harry & David

Whether you have a beginner or experienced green thumb, this resilient plant is perfect for a dorm room, requiring a low to bright light and blending in with any room style. Lucky Bamboo can also be grown in soil or water.

If you decide on growing the plant in water, make sure the water is filtered or distilled to protect the bamboo from harmful chemicals. Refresh the water every week to prevent algae growth in the pot.

If you are growing the bamboo in dirt, keep soil moist, but be careful not to overwater this plant. This means making sure your bamboo’s pot has good drainage. Water the soil when the top inch is dry.


Leaf & Clay®: Premium Succulents2. Succulents

Slightly harder to take care of, but so worth it, are succulents. These low-maintenance plants thrive in bright light so be sure to put them by a window.

Succulents are highly susceptible to overwatering, so be sure to only water when the soil is fully dry. Succulent soil usually takes around two weeks to dry out.

Succulents come in many shapes, types, and sizes ranging from fuzzy petals to finger-like stems. These make the perfect plants for very busy college students.


ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) | Plants.com3. ZZ Plant

Have a terrible green thumb? Good luck killing these plants! In fact, most plant lovers would say these plants thrive on neglect, which can be perfect for college students who may forget to water their greenery once a week or for those who travel often.

The ZZ plant likes to completely dry out in between waterings and in the winter can be watered as “infrequently as once a month”. This plant is extremely versatile, tolerating low and bright lights, thriving in nearly any indoor environment.

As an added bonus, studies have shown this plant improves sleep quality which will be nice after an all-night study session.


Buy Potted Money Tree Plant | Plants.com4. Money Tree

Want something larger than a simple desk plant. This small, low-maintenance tree is sophisticated and can add more foliage in your dorm giving it a more homely feel.

The money tree may not give real money, but it is often seen as a symbol of prosperity. This tree also purifies air polluted by synthetic chemicals from cleaning products.

A money tree will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight however, it can also adapt to low and fluorescent lights.

This plant should be watered when the top 50% – 75% of the soil is dry. When watering, wait until it runs from the drainage holes then dispose of the excess water.

How Fast Does Aloe Vera Grow? (And How To Grow It Faster) - Smart Garden Guide5. Aloe Vera

Last but not least, this exotic-looking plant is great for dorms. Preferring medium to bright indirect light, this plant should be placed near a window, or a place where it would obtain a good amount of sunlight.

Just like most plants on this list, water deeply but  infrequently, allowing the top third of soil to dry out between waterings.

As an added bonus, the gel in aloe vera has been proven to help with cuts, sunburn, and other minor burns.


4 thoughts on “Just Go for Green – 5 Easy Plants for Dorms

  1. Hi Hayley,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog, which you seem to have a clear passion about! Your blog was well-written and I love the photos you incorporated. Keep up the great work this semester!

  2. I have a string of tears in my dorm and she is very happy! She requires minimal water and indirect sunlight, so she’s a perfect dorm pet!

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