Recent postdocs, students, and current position (partial list):
Dr. Chengchao Yuan, (Ph.D., Physics, 2022); postdoctoral fellow, DESY German National Accelerator, Zeuthen-Berlin, Germany
Dr. Shigeo S. Kimura, Assistant Professor, Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Di Xiao (PhD. 2017, Nanjing University); Assistant Professor, Nanjing University, China.
Dr. Nicholas Senno (PhD, Physics, 2017), Senior Associate Data Scientist, Publicis Sapient, Houston, TX
Dr. He Gao, Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal University, China (2015)
Dr. Kazumi Kashiyama, Associate Professor, Tohoku University (2022); Asst. Prof., Tokyo Univ. (2017); Einstein Fellow, U. California, Berkeley
Dr. Philipp Baerwald, Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH Consulting, Munich, Germany, 2014.
Dr. Shan Gao (Ph.D., Physics, 2014); Research Associate, DESY German National Accelerator Lab., Zeuthen, Berlin, Germany, 2014
Dr. Péter Veres, Assistant Professsor, Physics Dept., University of Alabama, Hunstville, 2014.
Dr. Xuewen Liu, Assistant Professor, Sichuan Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Haoning He, (PhD 2012, Nanjing U.); Assistant Professor, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, Nanjing, China (2017); Postdoc, UCLA, 2016
Dr. Kenji Toma , Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Japan; JSPS Fellow, Osaka University
Dr. Alessandra Corsi , LIGO Fellow, Caltech; Associate Prof., Physics Dept., Texas Tech University.
Dr. XueFeng Wu ; Professor, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Soebur Razzaque ; Professor, Physics Dpt., University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr. Xiang-Yu Wang ; Associate Prof., Astronomy Dpt., Nanjing University, China
Dr. LiJun Gou, (Ph.D., 2007, A&A); Associate Professor, National Astronomical Observatory, Beijing, China
Dr. Shiho Kobayashi ; Professor, John Moores University, Liverpool, U.K.
Dr. Kunihito Ioka ; Professor, Yukawa Inst., Kyoto University (2016); Assoc.Prof., KEK National Accelerator Lab., Japan
Dr. Bing Zhang ; Professor, Physics Dpt., U.Nevada, Las Vegas
Dr. Maddalena Spada (PhD 1999, Univ. Florence, Italy); Staff, UN Relief Agency; Postdoc, Arcetri Observatory, Florence
Dr. Alin Panaitescu (Ph.D., 1999, A&A), Research Physicist; Director’s Fellow, Los Alamos Nat. Lab.; Spitzer Fellow, Princeton U.
Dr. Joerg Rachen, Research Scientist, Max-Planck Inst.f.Astrophysik, Garching, Germany
Dr. István Horváth (Ph.D. 1997, Eötvös U. Budapest), Prof. & Head, Dpt. Physics, National University of Public Service , Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Hara Papathanassiou (Ph.D., 1997, A&A), Lecturer, Open University, London, UK
Dr. Ute Kraus; Professor and Director, Inst. of Physics, Univ. Hildesheim, Germany; DFG fellow PSU 1995-96
Dr. Dan Reichart (B.S., A&A, 1996); Bowman and Gray Distinguished Professor, U.North Carolina, Chapel Hill; PhD Chicago 00, Hubble Fell.Caltech
Dr. Tomasz Bulik (Ph.D. 1993), Professor, Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Bronislaw Rudak; Assoc. Prof., Torun, Poland; Postdoc PSU 1990-91
Dr. Zsolt Bagoly (Ph.D. 1991, Eötvös U. Budapest), Assoc. Prof., Physics Dpt., Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary.
Dr. Mark Walker (PhD, 1991, A&A); Research Scientist, Manly Astrophysicsics, Manly, Australia)
Dr. Stephen G. Alexander, (Ph.D. Physics 1991), Assoc. Professor, Physics Dpt., Miami University, Ohio
Dr. M. Randall McKee (PhD, 1983, A&A); Instructor, Talahassee College, Talahasse, Florida.