September 2019

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Rhetorical essay intro – RCL Blog

Saying that it’s been a struggle for the LGBT community to find equal rights is somewhat of a gross understatement. Marriage equality was only achieved in 2016 and that was only after years of protests and marches and a Supreme Court vote. The LGBT community overcame adversity in Nazi, Germany and claimed their trophies in […]

Girl in a Country Song – Passion Blog

Girl in a Country Song - Passion Blog

For my own sanity, I think this week I want to take a look at a song that was written as a response to all the “bro-country”, namely a little tune by the name of Girl in a Country Song, written by two women named Maddie Marlow and Tae Dye. Their song is very clearly a sarcastic […]

Civic Artifact Speech Outline – RCL Blog

  Introduction   Attention getter: Between 1933 and 1945 approximately 100,000 gay men were arrested during Hitler’s regime and 15,00 of those were placed into concentration camps where they were forced to wear pink triangles to “brand” them. Only 35% of those men came out with their lives.    Topic: The pink triangle that was […]

Body Like Back Road – Passion Blog

Body Like Back Road - Passion Blog

So, this song is a lot to unpack, and most of you reading have probably already heard it, had it get stuck in your head for an ungodly amount of time and then probably completely forgot about it.   So… Body Like A Back Road is a pretty terrible song (just my opinion), but I’m not just saying that because […]

The Kairos of the Triangle – RCL Blog

The Kairos of the Triangle - RCL Blog

  Kairos is defined in Greek literature as the time when conditions are just right for actions to take place in order to achieve something. In this post I’m going to explore how Kairos was used in the “Homosexuelle Aktion Westberlin”’s (or HAW for short) usage of the pink triangle as their official logo.   The first question surrounding Kairos is “why now?”, and why is this […]

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