October 16, 2019

You are browsing the site archives for October 16, 2019.

Paradigm Shift Topic – RCL Blog

Potential Paper Topic: The shift from the DSM-1 to the DSM-5 and how diagnostic methods in psychology changed from the APA’s release of the first edition has changed to the latest release (the 5th edition). I think this topic will work because there is a lot of researchable data on the APA’s website itself that […]

She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy – Passion Blog

She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy - Passion Blog

This week I’d like to look at somewhat of a “classic” country singer’s song, namely Kenny Chesney’s She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy. I can already tell from the title of the song that we’ll probably have a similar problem with this song that we had with the last one, ie. we won’t be able to […]

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