RCL Blogs

This I Believe Draft – RCL Blog

I Believe in Jumping Off Cliffs   I believe in jumping off cliffs. Simply for the feeling of the free fall and the wind in my hair and the temporary liberation of the hard ground beneath my feet, even for just a few fleeting seconds.    Standing at the edge of the rocky edge, staring […]

January 21st 2020 – RCL Blog

“This I Believe…” speech ideas: I believe in jumping off cliffs. I believe in watching crime television.   Passion Blog Ideas Love songs past and present and how they’ve changed ie. do they still have similar themes and ideas behind their lyrics? Different types of crime documentaries and tv shows and the different takes they […]

History of a Public Controversy Outline – RCL Blog

Research:   https://www.ist.psu.edu/sites/default/files/u19/student_life.pdf -14% of university students are involved in greek life  -Over 90 Greek organizations    https://news.psu.edu/story/598305/2019/11/14/administration/greek-life-discussion-highlights-risks-progress-fraternity -(following the death of Timothy Piazza) “In 2017, the University instituted a series of reforms meant to increase safety and address unsafe behaviors within the Greek community – particularly high-risk drinking, hazing and sexual misconduct.”    https://news.psu.edu/story/542868/2018/10/19/administration/timothy-j-piazza-antihazing-legislation-signed-pennsylvania […]

TED Talk Outline – RCL Blog

TED Talk Outline - RCL Blog

Topic: The effect of solitary confinement on an individual’s brain/mental health in the long term/short term   Two Main Parts: Effects on the brain + Psychological effects   Effects on the Brain Tests done on mice  After 1 month of solitary confinement, neurons shrink by 20% After 3 months, there had been shrinkage of the […]

Ted Talk – RCL Blog

Ted Talk: The neuroscience of restorative justice – Daniel Reisel Details (From Ted.com): Daniel Reisel studies the brains of criminal psychopaths (and mice). And he asks a big question: Instead of warehousing these criminals, shouldn’t we be using what we know about the brain to help them rehabilitate? Put another way: If the brain can […]

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