
Civic Issues Blog Week 5

All of my blogs about civic issues have been surrounding issues that many individuals that call themselves “feminists” fight for. I support all the causes that I wrote and researched for these blogs, however, I wouldn’t call myself a feminist. This is because the definition of the term “feminist” has become incredibly warped over the […]

Civic Issues Blog Week 4

For this week’s civic issues blog, I’d like to take a look at the issues surrounding women’s pay inequality, or what is more commonly known as the wage gap. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in 2018 women who worked full-time jobs only made $0.82 for every dollar that a man earned. In […]

Civic Issues Blog Week 3

For this week’s Civic issues blog, I want to take a look at how the Women’s March got started and how it has snowballed into such a staple of the feminist moment. The first women’s march took place on the first day of Donald Trump’s presidency, January 21st, 2017.  There were thousands upon thousands of […]

Civic Issues Blog Week 2 – How Trump’s administration has directly affected reproductive rights

Why are women’s reproductive still at the forefront of many political debates, especially in the year 2020? Perhaps it’s because for some reason our president still deems it his right to control women’s reproductive organs even though…. they aren’t his. Women’s maternal health doesn’t seem to truly matter to lawmakers unless it becomes something that […]

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