Political Polarization and how it is Affecting the United States.
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or choose to be independent, you have been impacted by political polarization. These categories have become defining factors in our society. They make or break relationships, establish stereotypes, and even are put on dating profiles. Our political beliefs have become so prominent in society, that we have forgotten the importance of respect and agreeing to disagree. Political opinions are opinions. They are not fact, however, many of us, including those in power forget this component.
On this blog post page, I want to stress the importance of the change that is happening to our society. Politics, which once was elected officials to represent the people, has become overly stressed and divided. Politics once united the country, however, it seems that we have taken a step back.
The first topic I want to talk about is political parties and what our society would look like without defining parties. The first thing would be more educated election votes and knowledge of our government system. Defining parties have created a group to belong to. According to research, “There is a strong correlation between belonging to a political party and political opinions.” Rather than looking into a candidate and what their beliefs are, many voters see the political affilation of the candidate and cast their vote. This is inherently biased and against democratic principles. Our democratic system is supposed to be represented by the people. However, with the increased emphasis on political parties, people are making uninformed decisions.
Furthermore, political parties have a certain agenda to abide by. This includes contributions of political campaigns and influencing the elite to “help” campaigning. This agenda has destroyed the honesty of candidates and allows them to make promises that do not occur. For example, Bill Clinton promised universal health care to all Americans. This is a HUGE promise to make. This was a big priority of the democratic party and would have completely changed the current health care system in place. However, once in office, this was never completed. One of Clinton’s main campaign priorities never occurred. It only helped his agenda. He was able to gain the democratic vote but never fulfilled the promise. Political parties can create candidates to lie just for the benefit of the votes.
Lastly, America has increasingly become divided in the past 8 years. According to pew research, “A month before the election, roughly eight in ten registered voters in both camps said their differences with the other side were about core American values.” This statement implies that Americans are questioning the morality of others based on their political beliefs. This is when respect for each other is lost and creates a scary division in the United States.
Image sources: insperity.com and pewresearchcenter.com
January 21, 2022 at 8:47 pm (3 years ago)Nice job articulating a problem that many people refuse to acknowledge. I’ve always thought that the sharp divide between the opposite parties makes voting into a competition between teams instead of a socially constructive process. So many people vote blindly in favor of their party without ever considering the nuances of each controversy which make elections difficult.
January 21, 2022 at 8:47 pm (3 years ago)Very well put. I really enjoy this post because it’s something that I have felt has been brewing in our country for a long time. People seem to be divided on almost everything these days, even over things that shouldn’t be polarizing in the first place. Especially today, you would think that a global pandemic would bring us together, but in reality we are drifting farther apart. Good post!
January 21, 2022 at 8:49 pm (3 years ago)I agree that the radical political division in this country is extremely negative, but I think that partially has to do with the non-political issues that politicians have begun to address recently. The party system forces people to kind of pick the “better of two evils” and stand behind a party or candidate that may only align with some of their values. I also think this builds an environment where people feel it necessary to blindly follow their party or their candidate without actually looking into their claims or values. Finally, I think some of this division comes from the underrepresentation of women in minorities in all branches of our government that may make people feel unheard in the current system.