Handy Dandy… Blog Post! (Passion Post 9)

This semester, I decided to switch up my passion blog a bit.

However, when I first came to this decision, I was incredibly stumped as to what I should write about! My brain was literally on the level of stupidity. Staring at my laptop screen, mouth agape, I began to question if I had any passions at all.

That’s when it hit me. The ultimate blogging topic.

Now, this may seem a bit strange to you, but I don’t really care anyway because it’s an incredible subject and one that lacks proper recognition more often than not.

And now I bet you’re on the edge of your seat!

“What could it be?! When will she start already?!”

Wait no longer, my readers and friends. This semester, I’ve decided to reveal my passion for one of humanity’s greatest attributes and features. (Insert drumroll…)

The hands!

“The hands?” you might say, “that just sounds like some bizarre fetish!”

Ahh but no, you see. The hands are one of the most powerful and incredible tools our body has to offer. Just think of all the various things that your hands can do!

It wasn’t Michelangelo who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, nor was it a group of scientists who created the very first models for the spacecraft. It isn’t you that opens doors or unwraps goodies; plays guitar and kneads that bread dough.

All of these things were and are done by hands.

Just take a brief moment and consider how very lost you would be without these babies. You wouldn’t be able to write easily, or really pick things up. If you wished to create art, you would have to teach yourself to use either your feet or your mouth.

Could you brush your teeth? How about drive your car? High-fiving would be quite difficult, as well as opening a jar.

How would the deaf communicate? How would the blind read braille?

While all things are generally possible to accomplish even without your hands, that level isn’t attained without some tremendous determination and effort. Hands are the perfect simplifier. They are amazing.

Never take for granted that your hands are on your arms. Consider how unfortunate and upset you would be if you, say, lost your hands in a firework explosion?

It would be tragic. You would most likely feel quite lost, and for quite a long time.

And so I am being passionate about hands this semester, as a tribute to one of my most favourite body parts! Over the next few weeks, I plan to provide a rather brief scientific description of just how the hands miraculously respond to the brain, as well as highlighting various hand-related achievements. From sewing and other art forms, to craftsmanship, science, and even silly daily tasks we seldom think twice about!

And so, again I will say it: appreciate your hands. Love them! Not only are they incredibly cool and look phenomenal, but they perform a large majority of our daily tasks, as well as our major achievements.

As they say, you never really know what you’ve got until it’s gone. So let’s love our hands together, dudes. Show these guys some respect!

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2 Responses to Handy Dandy… Blog Post! (Passion Post 9)

  1. Happy to Discover Your Ideas

  2. Alicia Marie Van Den Heede says:

    This is a very interesting topic for your passion blog! It certainly stands out. I am curious where you are going to go with this, and what we are going to learn from your topic.
    Being as this is the first post, I do not know quite what to say, except that this cracks me up and so here: http://onetinyhand.com/

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