My first note to all present and future fish owners – DON’T PUT YOUR FISH IN A BOWL. Let me explain. Websites, pet stores, even websites sporting “quirky, fun fish tanks” will show you pictures of bettas in bowls. This is horrible and you can say “but my betta lived 3 years in the bowl” – yes and? That doesn’t mean they were happy. You might’ve heard the myth that they live in puddles too. While that’s true and these puddles are shallow, they are in no way small puddles. They stretch for MILES wide! During the dry season, these puddles will dry up, making them easier to spot the small fish however, the bettas will be constantly hopping from puddle to puddle, attempting to find a larger space of water. What you most likely also don’t know, many bettas also die off during this season. Housing a betta is not hard, a bigger tank is always better but, most fishkeepers would say 2.5- 5 gallon aquariums are the absolute minimum size.
The larger tank size will not only mean more room to swim but, they will have more room for decorations to hide in and will lower the levels of chemicals formed from aquatic respiration. There are multiple important aspects to include in your tank for all freshwater fish. Of course, some may have slightly different requirements however, I’ll give you an idea of where to start. Aside from a larger tank size, it is important to supply your fish with a filter, a water heater, and plants/decorations for the fish to hide in. Decorations in a fish tank will be the building blocks to their atmosphere. They provide fish with a feeling of comfortability, making them feel less exposed and vulnerable. Because of this layer of protection, your fish are more likely to show their natural behavior, improve coloration, and be more active.
Decorations can be real or artificial depending on the look you want to create. If you do decide on fake decorations, make sure there are no rough points, or if there are, file them down to ensure your fishes’ safety. Plants and rocks can create softer edges on decorations like castles or towers and they can be used to hide unattractive but necessary features like heaters.
As for the water heaters, these are very important for the fish’s ability to thrive. A large amount of tropical fish needs water around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to reduce stress for your pet, having a heater can keep temperatures steady, especially at night or in winter when it gets cooler.
All fish, of any kind (especially goldfish believe it or not), need a filter. A filter will work to reduce the number of toxins released, keep the water clearer, and remove waste from excess food, fish’s waste, and decaying matter.
With all of these new additions to your tank and proper maintenance, you can rest assured that your fish can thrive. Not only will they be happy but you can also have a great view of your aquarium as it won’t get dirty as quickly. The larger aquarium will also provide good aesthetics.