Writing with Flair

From writing with Flair, I have learned many different things. I have learned not only how to improve my writing by using more interesting ways of forming sentences, but I also have learned many different strategies in order to properly write a piece. One of these main strategies is using different verbs that have lots of impact when they are used as compared to just using a regular bland verbs. Turning words such as making into creating and large into humongous, lots of difference can be made in writing and plenty of words can be changed to do so.

Verbs: What Are They and How Do You Use Them? | Grammarly Blog

Another thing that I have learned to in order to improve my writing is a thing called addressing the audience which was taught in the most recent chapter. By doing this it directly reaches out to the reader and actually makes them feel like they are being directly talked to. It is sort of like 2nd person as it uses the word you and forms of that word a lot. It can be a very powerful tool if used properly, but if it is used incorrectly it can make a piece of writing fall apart and just make it seem like a bunch of random words strung together.

Know Your Audience – Tips for Tailored Communications | Entrepreneur

Most of the time, writing is very bland and it can get stale reading something from the same writer. I learned through writing with flare that I am actually able to change up the way I write with the tone that I write with in order to somewhat create somewhat of a “new” way or writing each time I write. Making writing somewhat addicting to read by spicing up certain parts of it is one of the best ways not only to captivate an audience, but to have them coming back for more.

4 thoughts on “Writing with Flair

  1. As a person who struggles with tone, the second-person writing techniques from the last chapter have been great. I went from addressing the audience informally to understanding that the context of the situation matters, and now I address them professionally. The change did not happen overnight. It took me some time to grasp the changes and fix my writing habits.

  2. Changing verbs is very useful and makes writing a lot more fun for the audience to read. I choose to use this method quite often. Directly connecting to a reader will always be an effective method to draw the reader in and make them feel affected. Using this technique to connect with the audience in a presentation is also very effective.

  3. I feel like my writing can get bland and repetitive too. Writing with flair has given me insight into how I can make my writing better. I hope I can captivate my audience to want to keep reading like you said. I think a lot of people struggle with their style of writing and making it sound different and interesting.

  4. One section that I found myself connecting to is addressing the audience. By doing so this adds a dimension to all of your pieces and by keeping the audience intrigued you can successfully tell a story. This can be a difficult task and takes time to master. When you start to find success though a key skill is gained.

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