Incorporation of Visuals

Chart can be confusing. Like everything in this world, charts and other forms of visual representation have lots of meaning behind them and most of the time people aren’t fully able to understand all of the meaning. It is due to this that lots of people tend to glance over certain parts of articles. Using visuals is a great way to keep an audience attracted, but only if it is done properly. Labeling visuals is a key factor in doing so. By helping an audience understand effectively what they are looking at as well as what the visual means, it lets them gain a deeper level of understanding on what the author is trying to get across.

Directly Labeling in Excel

Putting the graphic in the right spot also is a very crucial step in making an article read properly and keeping an audience’s gaze. By placing a chart in a random spot or a spot that it shouldn’t be at, it leads the reader to be confused and more likely to drop what they’re reading. It justĀ doesn’t make sense to them. To prevent this, keep ideas clustered together and write chronologically.Using chronological order makes it hard to mess up an order of events and keeps ideas better together.

Chronological order

Making sure that a graphic also pops is very important in using a piece of media. By picking a dull image, not only will it make the image less interesting, it will also bring down the energy brought by the word choice used in one’s article. Make images pop, use tools such as putting brighter things against a dark background or just use more vibrant colors in certain visuals. Doing so will bring more eyes to the picture, this is the whole reason that street signs are brighter colors such as stop signs and caution signs.

4 thoughts on “Incorporation of Visuals

  1. I agree with you that if a writer is including graphics and visualizations it should be done in a proper way. I also appreciated reading about your color choices and formatting in order to make an image stand out. I think this is something most writers should stay aware of and take into consideration. If I am reading something and the image provided is dull, blurry or hard to translate, I am no longer interested in the piece. Do you think specific types of graphics and images should be used for different writing genres and sources? Thank you for sharing!

  2. Putting a figure in the right spot is important for audience understanding. Proper introduction of the graph is a more difficult and important part of the concept though. Without the right intro to a figure its purpose can be diminished. Chronological writing and contrasting graphics with backgrounds are also useful tools to keep the audience engaged.

  3. I entirely agree with your opinion on the importance of clear images in writing. Charts and images can easily communicate information when done correctly. However, they might cause confusion rather than clarity if they are not labeled and positioned correctly. As you pointed out with the analogy of the street signs, making sure the images are eye-catching and colorful can enhance the persuasiveness of the message. Just as important as the content itself is how it is presented and how clear the images are.

  4. I agree with you that charts can be very confusing. It can take away from the meaning of what the author is trying to portray. I liked that you mentioned that if they are done properly than it has more of an effect. When you are able to see labels it can guide a reader to what the chart is trying to say. You were spot on that this is something that can be done to make your writing better and more memorable.

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