Unit One Artifact Ideas

For my artifact, I wanted to choose something related to an issue that is important to consider in today’s world. One topic I learned more about recently is ivory poaching and trade. I found an advertisement from the International Fund for Animal Welfare that advocates for the protection of elephants:

This ad has various elements that can be analyzed for rhetoric, and I want to use this piece for the artifact speech. Some ideas of works that I could compare to the above ad for the written portion of the assignment are below:Image result for save the bees campaign

This ad is similar to the elephant ad in that it is also focused on the protection of a specific animal. There are some aspects that are similar in both pieces, such as the organization names in the bottom right. There are also differences, including the use of digital versus natural images.

Image result for climate change adsecoeduca polar bearThe three ads above are related to the elephant ad, because they focus on other important environmental issues. Each of them uses rhetoric to convey the urgency of the portrayed issue.

Image result for climate change cartoonsThis ad again deals with an environmental issue. It is a bit different, as it is a different type of work. Unlike the other ads, this piece is a comic and uses satire to communicate the message.

These are a few ideas to show my thoughts on good examples of works to compare to the elephant advertisement, but I am not yet sure if I will use one of these or find something else.

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