Podcast Topic Ideas

Idea #1 – Finding Positivity During Tough Times: After a trip to India right before the start of my second grade, my family ended up in the hospital, as my parents and brother had contracted malaria. The situation became very severe, and was one of the most difficult times in my life. Although it seemed extremely tough at first, I tried to stay positive and happy, which really helped me to get through this event, as well as led to a better future.

Idea #2 – Slowing Down in Life: On my trip to India over this past winter break, I spent five days in a small village in Kerala that I had never visited before. The lifestyle there is very different from the normal, fast-paced life that most of us are used to today. This experience really showed me the importance of slowing down to enjoy the little things in my everyday life that I do not always take the time to appreciate.