Anti-Trust Law: It’s Not Just For The Big Guys!

By: Fredner Prevalus

If one were to ask which areas of law are relevant to an entrepreneur or small business owner, typical responses would likely begin with contract law, agency law or torts. Then responses would likely move on to employment law, tax law or property law-including IP/Patents. There’s a strong likelihood that anti-trust law would be near the bottom of that list if it’s even mentioned at all. Unfortunately, outside of large corporate mergers, this area of law is often neglected and overlooked, especially in small business legal discussions. It’s the Cinderella of legal academia. In our brief discussion, we’ll help dispel some common misconceptions and discuss why anti-trust law matters and how anti-trust law can potentially have an impact on small business owners and entrepreneurs.


                                                                   PLAYING MONOPOLY

One of the principal inter-related aims of antitrust law is the prevention of the collectivization and concentration of market power and the protection of consumer welfare. A brief and highly simplified review of basic economic theory may be helpful here. Market structures exists along a continuum.  A monopoly structure-single seller-occupies one extreme pole while a perfectly competitive market-many sellers- occupies the other. Ideally, with limited exceptions the perfectly competitive market structure is preferred because prices are at equilibrium-the price that buyers and sellers are willing and able to trade absent any market impediments. The equilibrium price implies that if a seller attempted to set a price above this level, they would lose sales and revenue thus becoming unprofitable. A seller in this market is a price taker.  In contrast, the monopolist has market power or the ability to influence prices and set a price significantly above the competitive equilibrium thus increasing their profits. This has the deleterious effect of reducing output and creating a deadweight loss. A deadweight loss is essentially a loss in potential economic activity as a segment of buyers can no longer participate in the market.

                                                                          PER-SE PROBLEMS  

Naturally, with the prospect of capturing significant profits, there’s a strong incentive for a business to emulate some of the features of a monopoly through contract, collusion, or co-operation with competitors, suppliers and/or others.  Some of these practices by their very nature have predominantly anti-competitive effects and are condemned outright regardless of their actual effects or the size of the participants. These are called “per-se” violations and include but are not necessarily limited to price fixing, bid rigging, customer segmentation and market allocation. In addition, the first sections of the 1890 Sherman Act-the principle statutory authority on anti-trust law-suggests that even the act of making an agreement to engage in these practices is a criminal violation.


                                                                          LET’S BE REASONABLE

Even for practices where the circumstances and effects are taken into consideration-known as a rule of reason analysis-the disruptive and damaging toll defending a suit can have on a business may be disastrous. In order to facilitate the transmission of information for the betterment of their business, many owners and decision makers actively engage with other market participants formally or informally through meetings, correspondence and membership in trade associations. These practices are often a natural part of doing business, however it’s important for a small business owner to be mindful that the substance of some of these communications may be a potential violation. There have been a number of seminal cases where a simple email correspondence discussing prices to set between competitors was sufficient to establish an anti-trust violation.


                                                         BIG FISH IN A LITTLE POND            

A prevailing misconception is that anti-trust law applies only to “big” businesses. However, what constitutes “big business” can be relative and is highly contingent on how the market is being defined.  In anti-trust law, a relevant market is defined in two principal ways, a product market and a geographic market. Briefly stated, a product market is determined by applying the hypothetical monopolist test. This test analyzes the consumer substitution effects of a SSNIP-Small but Significant Non-Transitory Increase in Price. If a hypothetical monopolist is not able to apply an SSNIP, then the relevant market definition must be expanded to include substitute goods/services.  Moreover, the geographic market refers to the physical-or virtual-boundaries of a market.  A similar hypothetical monopolist test can be used to determine the geographic market which is typically limited by transaction costs. This means that the relevant market is not necessarily national in scope but can be defined regionally or locally and the relevant product/service market can be defined so narrowly as to include a few providers. Therefore, a “small business” may very well potentially have more market power and influence then they realize. As an illustration, suppose only three restaurants in a town provided Caribbean/African cuisine. Suppose the restaurants were part of the same entity and decided to noticeably increase their menu prices. If a significant number of their customer base did not switch to alternate cuisines, then other cuisines would not be part of the same product/service market as the Caribbean/African cuisine. Also, suppose that the next nearest restaurant offering Caribbean/African cuisine was a one hour drive away. If most customers would not be willing to travel to that restaurant, then that restaurant is not part of the towns relevant geographic market for Caribbean/African cuisine.


                                                                       SOME USEFUL TIPS

Although market power alone does not constitute a violation, it’s a significant factor when considered in conjunction with other actions. Other potentially illegal actions include but are not limited to; predatory pricing/bidding, boycotts/refusals to deal, vertical integration-price squeezing, vertical restraints-price ceiling/floor, tying-exclusive dealing-bundled discounts. The scope of anti-trust law in regulating business conduct is broad. Anti-trust law is not exclusively limited to the mergers & acquisitions of fortune 500 companies trading shares on wall street. It can have important implications to a small business operating on main street. In fact, some of the most significant landmark cases involved businesses operating at a regional or local level (Aspen Skiing Co. v. Aspen Highlands Skiing Corp (1985)). It’s important to remember that operating one’s establishment in a way that’s unfair to competitors and/or consumers is a potentially losing strategy. It’s recommended that business owner have some familiarity with anti-trust legal principles especially as their business continues to grow.  A good first step is to review the FTC’s Guide to Anti-trust Laws which can be accessed through the link below.




                                                                          Photo Sources–school-tax-stephen-younts.jpg

3 thoughts on “Anti-Trust Law: It’s Not Just For The Big Guys!

  • February 14, 2022 at 2:16 pm

    I really like your introductory paragraph. It is engaging and spells out what the reader can expect to learn. The pictures help keep your reader engaged throughout. Good job on a topic that most people ordinarily never think would apply to their small business.

  • February 14, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Fredner – This is a really great topic! Growing up my dad was a small business owner. Talking about taxes, contracts, and employment were common conversations. Not once did the topic of anti-trust come into our conversations. As you pointed out, it is something that most small business owners do not think about. I am sure any small business owner would benefit from reading this blog. If I could offer one piece of advice, I would recommend adding hyperlinks to some examples. You mention landmark cases several times, but not the substance of those cases. I understand we have a word limit, but maybe linking to a case or two would be helpful. Overall, a great post!

  • February 15, 2022 at 12:25 am

    I liked how the article was structured to first offer a review of basic economic principles before diving into the nuances of antitrust law. It also covered a wide array of issues without diving far into any, which has its benefits for an informational article like this, insofar as it keeps one from getting lost in the minutiae. I also think there are ways you could’ve structured it to better get some of your high-level points across. Under “Playing Monopoly,” it might be more digestible for the lay reader if you diagramed the high-level concepts in an easily digestible Venn diagram or the like. This would allow a reader to easily refer back to it as they proceed through the rest of the article. The Price/Quantity chart, though comprehensive, strikes me as epitomizing the tedium of economics for someone not inclined to it already. In “Big Fish in a Little Pond,” I like how you concluded with the point that a small business could have more market power and influence than initially realized, and it might be more persuasive if you don’t let that point get lost in jargon regarding the specificities of defining product and geographic markets. This might be another place for a visual diagram hitting high-level points, and spending more space discussing real-world examples that might hit home with a business operator, including relevant examples that demonstrate the “potentially illegal actions” discussed near the end. All in all, I think this was a good read.


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