Virtual Experience
Environmental Justice: Natural Disasters in the time of COVID-19
We explored the disproportionate impact the 2020 wildfires and hurricanes had on low-income and minority communities, environmental racism, and fundraised $2,275 for two families impacted by the fires.
San Antonio, Texas
Access to Healthy Living: Focus on Refugees, Immigrants, and New Americans
In a community that, in many ways, mirrors our own city of Erie, we explored topics such as: food insecurity, housing affordability, healthcare access, and resources for immigrant college students.
Puerto Rico
Disaster Relief: Focus on Economic and Ecological
Across the island we worked with local nonprofits and communities to paint rebuilt houses, clear trails to improve environometal tourism, and cared for trees planted to prevent erosion.
Ready to apply?
Applications for the Fall Service Trip are open early in the fall semester – this trip accepts 8 students (in addition to two student Trip Leaders and two staff members).
Applications for the Alternative Spring Break (ASB) Trip open mid-semester – this trip accepts 20 students (in addition to four student Trip Leaders and four staff members).