
The growing environmental crisis and the instability of the global economy demonstrate the need for development in green industry and renewable materials, as they are crucial to providing a long-term solution. Fungal-based biomaterials have been a topic of interest, serving as both a cost-effective industrial material and as a continuous food surplus for low-income communities. This project aims to repurpose waste, like paper and spent barley, from local businesses in the Erie community into growing substrates for edible fungi such as Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) and Ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom). Both fungi are widely accessible white-rot mushrooms which can decay wood and other high in cellulose substrates. The fungal biomass cultivated are a resilient and versatile composite brick-like material which can be sold for construction or insulation purposes.


Team Members

Rabab Alamairy  | Alison Doverspike | (Matthew Gacura) | (Gary Vanderlaan) | Gannon University


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