Abstract: This research project has its basis in astrophysics and regards the detectability of an oscillating Dyson sphere, or Dyson swarm. The research for this topic was conducted during the Fall 21 semester with Dr. Williams and has continued into the current...
Abstract: One of the key things that allows humans to live on Earth is the fact that Earth is inside the Sun’s habitable zone. Our Sun is not the only sun capable of inhabiting life. Each sun in every solar system has a specific habitable zone, which is...
Abstract: In 1942, Burr type III distribution was first introduced by I. W. Burr for modelling lifetime data and survival data. In 1996, S. R. Lindsay introduced Burr type III distribution with location and scale parameters. In statistics, parameter estimation is one...
Abstract: There are technically two common ways to trade stocks. One being the use of financial analysis and decision making to understand the underlying features of a company to determine intrinsic value, allowing one to purchase or sell a security in the market in...
Abstract: This abstract describes a reinforcement learning project that is meant to compare the effects of various variables and architectures on learning and artificial intelligence. Results will be quantified in its convergence speed, resource usage, etc. In...
WITHDRAWN Abstract: Object detection in LiDAR point clouds is an important application especially for autonomous driving. So far, most work has been focused to develop deep learning architectures and to improve the detection performance. However, in addition to...