Program Committee
This committee reports to the Vice-President. The duties are to coordinate monthly meetings including selecting topics, scheduling speakers, plan give away items, coordinate meeting locations and set up for the events. The committee will also coordinate the end of year annual recognition event including choosing a location and executing contract, selecting a speaker, inviting awardees and special guests, choosing menu, arrange items for member gift bags, and coordinating room set-up. Committee chairs should have at least one year of committee experience. End-of-year committee reports will be provided by the Vice President at the beginning of the year so the chair has knowledge of previous committee activity.
Monthly Meetings
- Convene committee and select potential topics and speakers. Monthly programs are preferred with the exception of June, July and August being at the discretion of the program committee.
- Two membership meetings must be held each year. Typically the membership meetings are held in November and March in conjunction with a small program.
- Keep a list of suggestions received for future programs as well as a list of potential venues for programs.
- Submit a proposal to the Executive Board on the programs the committee decides to host for the year.
- Arrange for meeting location, preferably different buildings around campus each month.
- Confirm the speaker and audio-visual equipment needed.
- Create a flyer for each meeting and send to the President a few weeks ahead of the program for distribution. Keep track of RSVP’s if needed.
- Send a thank you note to the program presenter.
Annual Recognition Event
- The year-end banquet is held in May. The Lisa Brungart and OOPA awards are presented and new officers are announced.
PSEOP Banquet Checklist and Responsibilities
- Budget: $500 for banquet
- October/November- select a date, reserve the Nittany Lion Inn and obtain a speaker – check for conflicts with graduation, etc. Do not confirm date until checking with President and Awards Chair.
- March/April- schedule program committee meetings to finalize banquet requirements
o Determine expenses so you can set a price for PSEOP members and outside guests – get approved by Exec Committee
o Email President invitation with costs and RSVP details
o Need giveaway item
o Flowers for exiting officers (3 bouquets)
* Incoming (new) officers are announced by the current president
* Departing officers are announced by the new president
o Create officer presentations/slides for program – Awards committee will provide updated awards information to be added to presentation (PowerPoint)
o Reserve table for program committee and speaker
o Reserve table for awards committee and OOPA winner
o Schedule AV needs (podium, mic, screen)
Jennifer Clouser normally brings the laptop and projector. If she is unavailable will need to find another member to potentially bring those items
o Select favors for guests (inexpensive…ie. Creamery coupon)
o Need speaker thank you gift ($20 creamery coupon)
o Prepare nametags with those attending and have a few blank ones for back up
o Ask Nittany Lion Inn not to get empty plates during speaker
o Have Awards Committee Chair make an announcement before awards presentations to have winners stay a few minutes after the program ends for pictures
o Remind Treasurer to bring Checkbook to banquet
- Templates for certificates, procedures, nomination guidelines/forms, etc. are located on the PSEOP Box. Will need to request from VP.