Assistant Treasurer


Serve the first year as the Assistant Treasurer and second year as Treasurer


Assist in the absence of the Treasurer to act as Executive Committee contact for the Fundraising committee


  • Support the Treasurer to oversee the Fundraising Committee as needed.
  • Maintain PSEOP membership database. Send membership directory to all officers and website coordinator as needed. Upload revisions to PSEOP Box.
  • Managing membership in the PSEOP Teams group, adding and removing members as necessary. Owners should be all members of the Executive Committee.
  • Mid-July to early August, notify current PSEOP members concerning their membership date and follow-up for renewal of membership. Memberships expire August 31 each year or every 3 years.
  • Assist the Treasurer to ensure all records are accurate. Both the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer should sign off on monthly bank statements and budget reports. Approve monthly bank statement and financial summary prepared by the Treasurer.
  • Schedule a mid-year meeting to review year to date reports with Treasurer.
  • Serve in the absence of Treasurer at committees or meetings.


To Access the Listserv Interface:
For Listserv Questions or Help:

Click on “Mailing List Management Interface” – right column
ListServ Picture 1

Insert email address and password. May have to re-enter your password the first time you enter the site
ListServ Picture 2

Under the “list management” menu, select “Subscriber Management”
ListServ Picture 3

If you belong to more than one listserv, select PSEOP listserv, if not continue

This is the page that you enter new names and delete old. You may use the “Single Subscriber” tab, or the “bulk operations” tab. To add – place name in the bottom window using one of the two ways that is suggested.
Click on if you want the new person to be notified. Click on “add to PSEOP-L”
ListServ Picture 4

There will be a message below the “Subscriber Management (PSEOP-L)” that indicates “name” has been added to the PSEOP-L.
ListServ Picture 5

You can select to view the list in either the browser or have the list emailed to you.
ListServ Picture 6

To delete or update someone, use the top portion.
ListServ Picture 7

Fill in the name and the system will go find the person

Update the email address if you need to make a change. No need to touch it if you are deleting the person. At the bottom “click” either “update” or “delete”. Use the “new search” if the search did not find the person. You may need to check the PSEOP List to see how the person was listed. Check for spelling. The next screen will indicate the updates

ListServ Picture 8

To change owners:
After log in

Under “List Management” select “List Configuration” and then “Manual List Configuration”
log in
ListServ Picture 9

Do not touch the language above the owner’s information. Only ITS does that.

Once the changes have been made – be certain to click on “submit” (bottom right hand corner) or the changes will not take place and will default back to original list. I would always log out and then go back in to this screen to be certain the changes were saved.
ListServ Picture 10

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