About Us


The Penn State Geostatistics and GeoModeling Applications Industry Membership Program (PSGGMA) will bring together top-notch scientists/faculty in the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering and the College of Earth and Material Sciences and the university who are engaged in critical research in Geostatistics and GeoModeling. Some of the initial research challenges that will be undertaken include:

  1.     Fast assimilation of multi-physics, multi-scale data in subsurface models
  2.     Building models for subsurface structures constrained to spatial connectivity measures
  3.     Rapid extraction of information from BIG earth science datasets and model synthesis
  4.     Understanding and modeling complexity induced by non-equilibrium processes in the subsurface

Three vision statements guide the formation of this initiative:

  1. Research in the fundamental aspects of geostatistics and the development of theoretical and computational tools that can be put to use to solve important societal challenges.
  2. Teaching the next generation of applied geostatisticians and geomodelers. Well-trained students who will participate in delivering geostatistical applications to stake-holders.
  3. Application of geostatistics in meaningful project settings in order to provide students and researchers practical insight into problem solving for the spatial sciences.

In addition to these fundamental functions, it is also envisioned that the Research Initiative will attract top-notch researchers from around the world for whom facilities and resources will be provided to engage in breakthrough research. Periodically, the personnel affiliated with this initiative will strive to enhance the reputation of the research program by organizing symposia, congresses and conferences.

Finally, researchers affiliated with the initiative will be fully engaged in delivering comprehensive training in applied spatial statistics and probability to high school teachers and industry professionals so that all sections of the society have direct access to state-of-the-art teaching and research material produced by the initiative. Publications – both teaching as well as research will be the fundamental communication portal for the research program.