If you were unable to attend our meeting this week, we have a full meeting summary available here:9_9_21 meeting minutes
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 16th at 7pm in 220 Hammond. Hope to see you all there!
Penn State Chapter--American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
by rmj5341
If you were unable to attend our meeting this week, we have a full meeting summary available here:9_9_21 meeting minutes
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 16th at 7pm in 220 Hammond. Hope to see you all there!
by rmj5341
For anyone that was unable to attend the first meeting, a summary of the meeting is available here! Feel free to reach out in the GroupMe or DM any of the officers with any questions.
by Jack Pence
For those of you who forgot or did not find us at the Involvement Fair or EON this past week, our first meeting is this Thursday, September 2nd at 7:00pm in 219 Hammond. We plan to welcome any new and returning members as well as discuss what you can expect from operations to look like for the year. Also, if you have not already, join our group me and follow our socials under the “links” tab at the top. Hope to see you Thursday!
by Jack Pence
Come visit the AIAA Penn State Chapter at the involvement fair tomorrow, August 25th anytime between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM on the HUB lawn! We would love to talk to you about what we have planned this year and how you can become a part of it!
by rmj5341
by rmj5341
Image via NASA