The Generation of Tomorrow

Author: Hunter Steach

January 12th marks a monumental accomplishment for the Penn State College Republicans. After months of tireless work by members of the executive and ad-hoc boards, as well as members of the General Body, the first ever Pennsylvania Collegiate Leadership Conference (PCLC) is taking place. Not only is the accomplishment of hosting PCLC something that should be heralded at Penn State, but something that students across the country should take notice of as we quickly approach the 2024 Presidential Election.

The work of Penn State CR’s is something that should be promoted amongst our conservative youth across the country. Many students feel silenced and that they can’t bring their ideas to the table. I hope these students draw inspiration from events like these to realize that it is not by any means impossible, rather just requiring collective amounts of hard work from people who share similar interests.

The idea for this conference came about to display this very ideal that our youth can make a difference. It is very easy in the demeaning culture we live in to feel surpressed by those your senior, but the impact of the youth has shown to have dramatic impacts on elections across the United States in recent years. While most of these young adults lean left, our mission at Penn State College Republicans is to ensure that students who consider themselves conservative can find a safe haven to listen to and present their own views. By doing so, we hope to encourage more in our movement to get out to the ballot box and make their mark.

The decisions of today impact the generations of tomorrow. We are the generation of tomorrow! It is important that we at our age utilize our youthfulness to influence the political system through the inside. Whether that be through events like these, interacting with elected officials, seeking our internships in government, or simply trying to get out the vote, we as a youth have a unique resource that enables our voice to transcend pre-existing barriers.

To those of our generation, I hope you take inspiration from the vigorous dedication of the members of Penn State College Republicans and realize that your voice can make a much more astounding impact than you would ever believe.