Be a Warrior

Author: Reagan Skalicky

Since the inception of political parties in the 1790s, opposing sides have targeted one another for their contrary beliefs. Fighting between political parties is nothing we have not seen before. However, what has been occurring since 2020 is different. It is perilous. The liberals and the media perpetuate false and detrimental narratives about those who disagree and do not think as they do. Their provocative lies are spewed as truths. Their mission is to persuade today’s generation, Gen Z, into believing that conservatives are racist, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-women, anti-immigrant…anti-everything. These messages reverberate day after day and empower those who are responsible for the demise of our once-prosperous nation. This country was founded on morals and values and law and order. As we witness the decline of our nation at the hands of leaders with radical social agendas, the United States is falling farther and farther behind in the things that matter most. Our development as a nation has come to a screeching halt as we are distracted by rhetoric and focused on subjects that are destroying our youth. Why are so many individuals of our generation jumping on this bandwagon heading down the path of destruction? Do these individuals genuinely believe that what conservatives stand for is wrong? The answer is no. Gen Z does not know the truth about what conservatives represent because the information that is irresponsibly fed to them daily by liberals and the media.

The truth about being conservative is the antithesis of what the liberals and media pontificate. The truth hurts the Democratic party because it is the truth that this country was founded upon and what this country wants. If people heard the truth each day, the Republican party would be thriving, and so would our country. Conservatives support equal and fair opportunities for all, including earning acceptance into colleges and job offers based on merit. Meritocracy can never be racist toward any ethnicity because it is based on one’s ability and accomplishments and nothing else. It is the opposite of racism. It is inclusive and fair. Conservatives support women. They support women thriving in the sports to which they have dedicated their lives. They support women by supporting the Constitution and prohibiting the federal government from making decisions about abortion. The federal government should not be involved in a woman’s choice to have an abortion. Conservatives support law and order and protecting innocent citizens. They support immigrants coming into this country legally to live the American dream. They support all citizens by enforcing the law to ensure everyone is safe and criminals are held accountable. One would think that most people in this country would support these views, both democrats and republicans, because these views are what our Constitution states.

So why are so many Gen Zs supporting the radical anti-constitutional views of the current administration and the media? The answer is straightforward. Our generation is weak. We do not understand what it means to struggle and work hard. We do not want to earn anything and want to be handed everything. We want to win and never lose. To state it simply, we were not raised to be warriors. “Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times. Many will not understand, but you have to raise warriors.” These are the words that NBA star Aaron McKie shared at the memorial service for Temple University basketball coach John Chaney. These words are powerful and are the answer as to why today’s generation, our generation, is conforming to believing misinformation and destroying this country. It is easier to be lazy and work from home and demand more. It is easier not to study diligently and demand acceptance into a college or be awarded a job based on things other than merit. It is easier to steal and harm others with no consequences than to follow the law. It is easier to pick what you want to be each day than to be what God and science tell you that you are. We are not warriors. Warriors would see what is happening in our country and condemn it. Warriors would work diligently to succeed and continue to create the country that was meant to be instead of destroying it. Warriors would ignore the nonsensical propaganda that is purged daily, and would work even harder for a greater America. Warriors would never focus on pronouns and identities but on education and hard work.

This country was founded upon the Constitution, a Constitution composed of laws. Liberals and the media want to disregard the truth and the law. We cannot allow them to destroy this country and what it was intended to be. They did not discover or proclaim this country, and our generation cannot allow them to destroy it. Those who support the causes of today are foolish because as we focus on what many deem nonsense, the rest of the world is focusing on enhancements in technology and medicine and advancing their countries. We need to be warriors.