The State of the Race

Author: Tristin Kilgore

As President Trump is currently stuck in a New York City Courthouse for alleged hush money payments, prevented from traveling for his campaign or even attending his son, Baron Trump’s, high school graduation, the contentious 2024 election season continues on. While this interference does harm the President’s ability to campaign, it has not hurt his view in the eyes of the vast majority of the American people, two-thirds of whom believe that he is innocent. Due to this, we must not get caught up in distractions and focus on the issues that are important to the future of the American people. In this election season, it is important that we are able to properly evaluate the state of the race, so that we will be able to take the actions necessary to ensure the victory of President Trump.

There are two main aspects of this upcoming election that will be most important in determining the potential outcome and where our efforts should be focused. The first is the major issues that are important to voters. Also, we must determine what states have the best opportunities for us to flip them red. By working to address the issues that are important to Americans, we will be able to save our nation by making Donald Trump our leader once again.

In a return to the game changing rhetoric of 2016, that brought attention to the most important and previously ignored issues that faced our country, President Trump has been able to recenter this election on mass migration, criminal, illegal aliens, and the threat that these immigrants pose to the American nation. This messaging has been received well by the American people, who recognize that this is an existential danger to our country, and this has shown through polling. In the most recent aggregate polls, immigration has shot up to the top issues that Americans feel that the country is facing. This is followed in a close second by the general state of the economy. Both of these issues are strong arguments that can be used in the comparison between President Trump and Joe Biden. Under the Trump administration, hundreds of miles of border wall was constructed, immigration was drastically cut, and the Stay in Mexico policy solved the illegal immigration problem. During Biden’s term, the exact opposite has happened and Americans have seen open borders policy let in millions of illegal aliens who spread crime and drugs across the nation.

Another good sign of what is to come has been the opinion polling. The current national polls place Donald Trump leading Joe Biden 46-43 with 12 percent remaining undecided. However, when those undecided are forced to choose, Trump’s lead increases to 51-48. This gives a clear view that the American people are dissatisfied with the Biden administration and a return to President Trump is what they want. Specifically in the major swing states, Trump remains ahead of Joe Biden in all of them except one, Pennsylvania. Our Commonwealth is the one state in which it is not only most important for our President to win, but also the one that he is currently behind in. It must be our job as College Republicans to fight for him here in Pennsylvania and do whatever it takes to ensure his victory.