Migrating content between ArcGIS Online organizational accounts

Copying Feature service, Tile Map Service, Web Map, and Web Map Applications:

  1. Visit ArcGIS Online Assistant site: https://ago-assistant.esri.com/ Click Login with first ArcGIS Online Account.
  2. From the top icon dropdown “I want to,” choose “Copy Content”
  3. In the Copy Content box, Select the account you want to copy into: Select Another account.
    4. In the Copy Content box, select the destination: ArcGIS Online. Click Log in.
  4. In the Request for Permission screen, under your username, choose: “Sign in with another account.”
  5. Sign in with the Enterprise Login. In the Enter your ArcGIS organization’s URL below: enter “pennstate”, (pennstate.maps.arcgis.com). Click Continue.
  6. Choose Penn State Webaccess and enter penn state access id and password to authenticate to account.
  7. The ArcGIS Online Assistant will show your accounts side-by-side. The account that the user will be moving content from is listed on the left side and the account
  8. From the left side of original account, navigate to the folder/item of interest and drag content to the right side of the new account.
  9. When copying content, such as a hosted feature layer service, a prompt may occur regarding the copy type (simply or full). Choose Full copy to make a new copy of the original service in the destination account. Enter the desired name of the new service. When the copy is complete, the new feature service will be seen in the destination account designated as “Copy Ok”.
  10. View items copied in destination account: The features layer and map layers within the web map or map application can be updated by modifying the web maps and web applications from the configure settings within ArcGIS Online.
  11. Note: It may be helpful to note the name of the services that are part of each web map and web application being copied to the destination account for future ease in updating the ids associated with these items. Note: It appears a tile layer will transfer as a map image layer.
  12. For instance, when viewing a feature layer transferred to the destination account, from the content area, select the item and view its details. Scroll to the bottom of the details and copy the url for the service.

Within the ArcGIS Online Assistant, Update the id of the associated feature services to a Web Map

  1. Login to the ArcGIS Online Assistant with the destination account: https://ago-assistant.esri.com/
  2. Sign in with the Enterprise Login. In the Enter your ArcGIS organization’s URL below: enter “pennstate”, (pennstate.maps.arcgis.com). Click Continue.
  3. From the top icon dropdown “I want to,” Choose “Update the URLs of Services in a Web Map.”
  4. From the left side, select the web map to update its services. Paste in the urls of the services obtained by viewing their details.
  5. Click Update. A success message will appear.

Within the ArcGIS Online Assitant, Update the Web id for the associated web maps in an Application

  1. Login to the ArcGIS Online Assistant with the destination account: https://ago-assistant.esri.com/
  2. Sign in with the Enterprise Login. In the Enter your ArcGIS organization’s URL below: enter “pennstate”, (pennstate.maps.arcgis.com). Click Continue.
  3. From the top icon, “I want to”, select View an Item’s JSON.
  4. From the left side, choose the web map within the web map application to view the JSON. Copy the web map numberical  id: Example: 4a24244a952748edbedab9fcaf69eddb
  5. From the left side, choose the web mapping application, and View its JSON. Under the Data section, the numerical ids for the web maps for the application can be updated with the new ids. Click the edit (pencil icon) to edit the JSON for the web map application to update to the web maps in the new destination.
  6. View web maps and web map applications within ArcGIS Online account to verify updates, and make additional updates from within the ArcGIS Online account as needed.

Additional content types are able to be transferred with the newer version of the ArcGIS Online Assistants. Visit the newer version of the ArcGIS Online Assistant to view options. See ArcGIS Assistant User Guide for more information on working with items and workflows, including Common Workflow on “Copy a StoryMap” 

Additional resources on transferring content: Learn ArcGIS: How to transfer content to your next account