Health at PSU

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House-Bound Health: Part II

on April 3, 2020

Whaaaatsup everybody! Things are actually starting to feel normal like this now which is really scary. I think the worst part of it so far health-ish wise is just feeling so damn tired all the time. Like I wake up tired and I am tired at 12 and 2 and 4 its bad. I know its a lack of enough exercise and Vitamin D but that would require doing stuff and I am sooo tired. I need to revisit my last post and start back up with a healthier schedule. Here is the continuation of my advice (that I need to start taking) on maintaining health and sanity during these time (and not being so damn tired and unmotivated).

  1. Set a time to watch TV. I wake up and all I want to do is watch the Good Doctor… but there reaches a point where you just can’t do that all day, and doing it early in the day will set you up for a lack of focus and productivity. Instead, set a time in the evening like 6 or 7 and don’t watch any TV until then. If you need a break, watch a YouTube video or something, because those are a good short 10-minute break that’s a lot easier to out down than stopping an hour episode 10 minutes in.
  2. Don’t study in bed. Guys, we can’t leave our houses and most likely barely leave the bedroom. At least sit in a chair at a desk or a table to study. There are study upon study on why should compartmentalize your bedroom and your work for ideal productivity and improved mental health and sleep. I don’t have anywhere else to study but my room, so I set up a desk with a straight backed chair and make sure to leave the room often.
  3. Keep your room and study area clean. I know that for me I couldn’t stand mess after like two weeks because it made me claustrophobic, but just cleaning your room and making your bed can do wonders for mental health, focus, productivity, and just make you feel better.
  4. Call friends. Humans are social. Studies have shown that feelings of loneliness over long periods of time can take the same time off of your life as smoking cigarettes. Make sure you’re doing everything you can, even if that is taking time to ask your friends about their days, talk to your parents, call your friends, or send some snapchats, for once a health blog is telling you to use social media for your mental health! (Not like instagram though that’s not a good idea haha… seeing spring break pics ain’t it rn chief)
  5. Take breaks. That means go outside for a minute, it does wonders really.
  6. Drink tons of water. You would think not doing anything means you’d be really hydrated but its way easier to forget when you never leave your house.
  7. Take your vitamins. Honestly, even if its just a placebo it sure makes me feel like at least I’m doing something lol.
  8. Maintain hygiene. There may not seem like a huge need to shower every day or brush your teeth in the morning, but I promise you, if not for your physical health and hygiene, but for your sanity, continue showering, brushing teeth, grooming, even doing facemasks and hair masks and your normal aesthetic stuff. Staying yourself will help you feel sane and not gross.

Thanks for tuning in guys. Like you, getting really f***ing tired of this s***… BUT, social distancing and quarantine is our social duty. But that doesn’t mean you have to go crazy and compromise your health because of it (:


3 Responses to “House-Bound Health: Part II”

  1. rmh5955 says:

    Hey Davina! I think this is great advice while we are home social distancing! While they might seem simple, it has been so easy to get off track and start to slack off. I definitely want to exercise more and have a better sleep schedule. I also feel tired all the time but know I need to go to bed earlier. I agree this is starting to get old but we are honestly almost done! Hang in there!

  2. cma5990 says:

    Thank you so much for this motivation boost!! I’ve definitely been not on my sh*t since quarantine as much as aI could be. I’ve been wanting to get around to finish my favorite TV show. I just need to be more organized with my school work – thennnn I’ll reward myself. Also, you just reminded me to go drink a gallon of water.

  3. mqa5791 says:

    Honestly, this blog was very much needed! Just like most, I have been extremely tired since we’ve been in quarantine. I feel like it’s because im basically trapped in the house all day and don’t really feel as motivated to do anything (which is actually very bad!). But with your helpful tips, im sure to get back on track with staying active and motivated! Great blog btw!

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