During this session, learning designers learned about Penn State’s Instructional Video Guide presented by April Millet, as well as, an update on Lehigh Valley’s Metamorphose Project and their use of Virtual Reality by Kate Morgan. (Video recording)
Key take-aways:
Instructional Video Guide
- Project origin stems from the Design, Media, and Technology (DMT): subgroup of PSU Online Coordinating Council
- The project membership comprises of individuals from design and media departments across the University and central IT staff and focuses on a public facing website geared towards faculty to explain design and media issues, as well as, give examples of produced video for onlien and blended courses.
- Videos are categorized in the following types:
- Demonstrate/Show
- Explain/Tell
- Experience (Immersion)
- Communicate/Remediate
- Introduce/Orient
- The website is close to being complete and what remains is adding captions/transcripts for some of the video and follow-up on any suggestions.
- The resource is available at: http://instructionalvideoguide.psu.edu
- If you or your faculty do have some funding and require professionally produced video, the WPSU Creative Services group would be honored to work with you at http://creativeservices.psu.edu/
LDC Overarching Slides along with the Instructional Video Guide
Metamorphose Update and Virtual Reality
Kate Morgan discussed Lehigh Valley gave a recap of their Metamorphose Challenge and provided an update including:
- History of the project that originated from the Chancellor’s charge.
- Inspiration that they received both as part of PSULV and in surrounding areas.
- Selected student presentations and how (with funding) their projects became a reality including:
- Pollinator Garden
- Chalk Talk
- Virtual Reality room
- Mosaic Steps (in progress)
- Continuation for interested second year students who were involved in the freshman project last year as part of INART 003 Reception of the Arts
Lehigh Valley’s Virtual Reality room and usage includes:
- Design and color selection by student voting
- Two additional “VR Chairs” part of voting process
- Dreams of Dali – Art course use
- Student Feedback
- Use of Mars VR immersion as part of a meteorologist course
- Next Steps
Metamorphose Update and Virtual Reality Slides