Visit from Dr. Josh Shiode

Thanks to Dr. Josh Shiode who led discussion and shared his experience on the transition from obtaining a Ph.D. to beginning a career in science policy. Dr. Shiode works as a Governemtn Relations Officer for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Visit from Dr. Matt Hourihan

Dr. Matt Hourihan visited the PSU Science Policy Society to discuss the federal budget process and funding pathways that are of concern to workers in science policy. Specifically, President Obama’s proposed budget and its impacts on the scientific community were addressed. Thank you for joining Dr. Hourihan and the PSU SPS to talk bout this […]

Visit from Dr. Jeremy Richardson

On March 31st, PSU SPS was grateful to host Dr. Jeremy Richardson of the Union of Concerned Scientists – From an upbringing in a coal mining community to a position as a senior energy analyst for UCS’s Climate and Energy program, Dr. Richardson gives a glimpse of his path into science policy.For more information on […]