Long Term Memory

When we think of long term memory, we usually think of the best things that have happened to us in the past. However, it does not always work that way. Sometimes we have bad memories that tend to stick with us for the rest of our life, no matter if we want to remember it or not. Those memories that we do not always want to remember are the ones that help shape us into who we are today. There are certain events that occur that can cause you to relive these moments. These are called retrieval cues, as words or other stimuli, that help us remember information stored in our memory (Goldstein, 2015). 

On November 30th, 2018 my world was changed forever. The way I looked at life changed as well. It was my first year out of college, and I was living with two other girls who were seniors in college that I had known from doing track at Shippensburg University. We all had been hanging out, eating dinner that night and then the next morning only two out of three of us woke up. 

I woke up that morning and had a feeling in my gut that I had never felt before. It felt like I could’ve been sick at that moment, however, I knew I was not ill or hungover. The rest of my body felt fine. I just had this very weird feeling in my gut. I went to the gym and did my workout, but still had this feeling. When I came home, my one roommate’s (Tam) car was still in the driveway which was kind of odd because it was close to ten o’clock and she was never one to stay at the house for a long time. She was always out and about doing something with someone. I then texted my other roommate (Erica) to see if she had heard from her or saw her that morning, and she replied somewhat quickly and said she had not seen her. I explained to her this odd feeling I had, that something felt very wrong. My roommate texted again and said they were supposed to have a class together in about ten minutes and she would let me know if she showed up. She texted me then and told me she did not show up to class.
My roommate then raced home. I had been trying to get a hold of Tam ever since I got back from the gym and no answer. I knocked on her door, I tried to unlock the door but was not able to. Erica arrived home and had two of our other friends with her. They knocked on the door, made multiple calls, but there was no response. We then were panicking because I think deep down we knew something was very wrong. One of the swimmers called 911. I went outside to wait for the cops to show up. To this very day I will never forget the screams I heard from Erica and the two swimmers. Erica ran down the stairs and just fell in my arms and then fell onto the ground. At that moment, anyone could’ve told me to take one step for a million dollars and I would not have been able to. Cops showed up, my head track coach showed up, the swim coach and the athletic director showed up to offer support to Erica, myself and the two swimmers that were there. 

This is one of the hardest things I have ever been through and would never wish it on anyone. The memory of this day will always be with me no matter how much I try to forget it. Free recall refers to being asked to recall stimuli (Goldstein, 2015). For me, I don’t mind talking about this, and at the end of the day I think it actually helped me get through that time. Cued recall is when someone is presented with certain things to help remember the event (Goldstein, 2015). I would not say that I need to be presented with anything to be able to recall this event, but there are things in my life, or throughout the day, that will make me think about this exact day. An example would be remembering the house in Shippensburg and instantly being back to that day. Visual coding in long-term memory when you visualize a person or place from the past (Goldstein, 2015). Auditory coding would be another way to recall this memory would be just by hearing certain noises or songs that played that day or at that moment. 

Goldstein, E. B. (2015). Cognitive psychology: Connecting mind, research and everyday experience. Cengage Learning.

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