Blog 3 Speech disorders

Alexis Hayes someone

Professor Wede

November 19 2021

Blog 3

Some things that happened to me and other people are speech disorders. It can cause an effect on how a person speaks words. (What Are Speech Disorders.) It is from damage done to the brain in the Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area. (Studying Language, Penn State.) Broca’s part is responsible for speech production and Wernicke’s is responsible for speech understanding. ) (Studying Language, Penn State.) If they are damaged, it can cause a person to misunderstand speech and trouble talking to else.

Speech disorders can cause damage also to vocal cord damage, brain damage, muscle weakness, and strokes. (What causes speech disorders.) The signs of speech disorder are, repeating sounds, adding extra words, and blinking a lot. It makes sense why I and others have a hard time with speaking. There is something called phonemes and morphemes in language. There are over 100s of them and can be hard to pronounce.

Also, there can be several ways to pronounce a sentence with similar meanings. It makes me and others have a more complex understanding of it because we have to make sure it is grammatically correct. It can also be difficult to pronounce a sentence the right way with a speech disorder. There are different types of speech disorders such as stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. (What Are Speech Disorders.) I have a stuttering speech disorder so when I talk to someone I repeat sounds and have a hard time pronouncing words, and I also blink a lot.

Apraxia makes a person not be able to pronounce what they want to say or they have a difficult time expressing themselves. Apraxia, what is speech disorder. ) Dysarthria makes a person’s muscles hurt when they talk and they also have slurred speech. (Articulation disorder, what is speech disorder.) “In conversations, there are 4 types of conversational maxims according to Griffin.” (Conversations, Penn State.) They are quantitative criteria, which makes it informative, but not excessive. (Conversations, Penn State.) The second maxim of quality is saying what is true. (Conversations, Penn State.)

Third maxims of relation to be clear in speech. (Conversations, Penn State.) The last one is a maxim of manner to be straight to the point. I think myself and others included can struggle with the maxim of relation and maximum of manner because we know what we want to say but have a difficult time expressing it. The way to heal from a speech disorder is by going speech therapist to help become familiar with sounds and different wording. Also, a person can take medication or do physical exercises to strengthen the muscles to produce sounds properly.

Work Cited:

Kahn, A. (2019, September 20). Speech disorders: Causes, signs, and diagnosis. Healthline. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from

MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Speech disorders: Types, symptoms, causes, and treatment. Medical News Today. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from

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