Author Archives: Remah Asad

Can We Trust Our Memories…

Memories are what we carry with us throughout our entire life. We have some that’s good and some that’s bad, but memories are what makes our life unforgettable. However, the question is how certain memories can actually be false memories. While reading the specific topic about false memory and the different designs that was used to show whether or not it is possible for us to actually implant memories. Well, from my perspective definitely, I feel memories can actually be implanted and can be changed as well. Reason being, a close friend of mines lives for the great memories that he creates throughout his life. However, being his friend for quite awhile, hearing different stories some that he didn’t necessarily partake in are memories that he has implanted as if he was there. This brought me to think back to lesson for the example with Carl and Jim.
So with that being said, I took him as my own experiment and actually began observing and did the same test that was used in the lesson. The results were basically identical and I found it to be hilarious. Although we have many memories together, there were some I knew we weren’t together for, which I used to my advantage. So one day, we were talking and I mentioned a specific time that he wasn’t there. Two days later he came back to me and stated he remembers. A week went by and I asked again and this time details were given. One thing I can say with this is that the same way a person can implant a memory is just as easily to change or even forget the memory in general. In this aspect, I can say memories can happen where you can simply forget. Those memories become strictly of what the stories that were being told to you. You begin to build a memory off the different versions of the stories from friends or family. Now the biggest question is can we really trust our memories. If it is possible to create your own using memories or stories that someone is telling you then how accurate can we really say we lived in our own memories.

Memories Created!

The brain as a whole has to be the most fascinating organ in the entire body aside from the heart. With the many different functions, one of the main functions that are used by everyone on a daily would memory. Memories play a major role in a person life and many can either receive happiness from their memories while others unfortunately will receive sadness. As we grow up we learn how to manage our memories and make sad moments turn into happy ones, while some are learning memories, and others are just memories we won’t ever want to relieve. One perfect example that can be used to describe this entire process would be the animation movie “Inside Out.”

In this animation it described the life of an 11 year-old girl named Riley, who is later described by her personality and experiences to better understand her. We are then introduced to her 5 main emotions, Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger, and Sadness. Along with her emotions, we are also introduced to a basic Neurosystem, which included the headquarters where the emotions resided, personality islands, and a labyrinth of long-term memories and memory dump. Although this is an animation, it relates to the science behind memories extremely well and how the brain shows all its functions related to memory functions.

As a person can relate, in our everyday lives we make short-term memories, while there’s some that are worth keeping in long-term. Now, with understanding how memories are encoded and the differences between them all, I would say that I for one have a memory that is extremely keen to details. However, one thing I find myself doing is repeating stories without noticing. I remember all the details, people that was there with me, those that weren’t, what I did, pretty much everything. Sometimes even if I was to just learn something new or a person gave me their number for instance, I would instantly remember it. One thing I can say when memories are encoded in my mind, it is often repeated three times, and then remembered until I find myself no longer having use to that certain memory. However, compared to memories with friends and family, my childhood, and so on and so forth, I find myself speaking about them often. So in a way, with the animation “Inside Out,” I can say that my brain happens to function the same exact way. Every day short-term memories are made while my core memories are stored. Then each memory happens to be thought about when in a similar situation or if I need to think about a situation more detailed, and sometimes just remembered to be in a better mood.

As stated earlier, the mind is an amazing thing. With the amount of functions that comes from this one organ and how much it plays a role in a person’s every day life has its importance. Memories allow a person to identify himself or herself as a person, without memories a person life is really nothing it’s having to start a whole new life again.

Say the Color not the Word

Say the color not the word has to be the most interest yet fun brain teaser. This game allows a person to establish the differences between both hemispheres of the brain. While trying to complete this teaser you begin to realize where the conflict is. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the conscious thought and logical reasoning. On the other hand, the right hemisphere is responsible for the creative tasks. Because the teaser is say the word not the color it automatically triggers your left hemisphere into saying the word not the color.

As many have tried it gets complicated. We find ourselves wanting to say the color of the word but can’t help but say the word that we are reading. This allows the brain to be fully focused using both hemispheres at the same time rather than separately.

When I first tried completing this teaser I was honestly confused. I thought it was extremely easy because all you had to do was read the words. It wasn’t until someone explained the teaser to me, that made me realize it was actually harder than I thought. I found myself trying so hard to focus the color of the word but could not help but read the word. It took me to really focus and try after try. It was not until my fifth try that I was able to say it all through but I realized that regardless a person will always have a hard time because it’s allowing you to use both hemispheres at the same time.

Many people don’t realize that it rare that both are used. Each hemisphere is used uniquely for a different talent, whether it is playing a instrument, studying for a class, riding a bike, each side is used for something.

My challenge for you is to see how many tries it takes for you to complete this teaser and see if it was a one time shot or the focus was needed.
