The Mind, the Machine

One’s mind is a very powerful yet mysterious object.  What does it do?  What makes the brain control the mind?  These are some questions that have plagued many researchers for centuries.  While there are many theories about the mind, there are not very many ways to directly study it.  As time progresses there are more discoveries and theories about one’s mind, but how do we know if these theories are valid?

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” was first quoted in 1972 by the United Negro College Fund and has been used many times since it was first introduced nearly thirty years ago.  (  This brings up many important questions.  I have always wondered what the mind is and how it helps us function.  The brain is the central organizing unit and controls all of our daily functions, but how does the mind help us make decisions?  Does the mind control the brain or does the brain control the mind?  In my personal opinion there is a significant difference between the brain and the mind.  The brain may control our daily functions, but I think a separate part of the brain is the mind which helps us make our daily decisions.

The mind may be a part of the brain but it has a very unique characteristic specific to each individual.  I guess you could call the mind our moral system or the driving force behind our emotions.  The brain on the other hand is the driving force behind each of us and performs functions common to each individual.  The brain may contain neurotransmitters and have specialized areas to perform different functions, but what drives us and motivates us in our minds.  I feel that our drive comes from our mind and what we want to achieve.  Many people have significant problems with their brains, but does that necessarily mean that their mind is problematic too?  I think not.

There are many new techniques that can help determine brain disorders and areas functioning within the brain.  If the mind is specific to each individual how can we determine if the mind is functioning properly?  I realize that it is believed that the brain controls our emotions, but I believe there is another driving force, a machine per say, that drives us stronger than the brain possibly can.  I believe there is a particular part of the brain that drives us, motivates us, and helps with decision making.  I have many friends, including myself, who either have learning disabilities or brain disorders, but somehow we are able to eventually function.  I have had episodes to where my brain does not want to function properly but my mind won’t shut down.  How does this happen?  My person belief is that they are separate entities that both have specialized functions.  I think until we have a true grasp of the mind we will not know how it performs or why it performs.

The mind is a powerful yet mysterious object.  It is directed by the brain but it has “a mind of its own.”  In my personal belief I believe that the brain, in general, controls the mind, but many times the mind helps control the brain.  Until we can discover the many mysteries of the mind we cannot get a good grasp of what it is.  Hopefully one day we will be able to study the mind alone, as its own entity, and see what its true function is.

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