Depression and TMS

Depression is a disorder that affects people of all ages and ethnicities. It is a topic that has been well studied in psychology. Both psychologists and neuroscientists have written volumes of literature on this topic. Antidepressant therapy remains the most popular treatment for Depression. However, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a possible treatment for this disorder.

Those with Depression exhibit a vast array of symptoms. These symptoms can include changes in appetite and sleep, trouble concentrating, lack of interest in normal activities, and feelings of hopelessness. There is no one cause for Depression. There are several predisposing factors that can contribute to the disorder. Trauma, life circumstances, and genetics are some of these factors. Research also suggests that changes in the brain can contribute to Depression. Imaging studies have shown that the frontal lobe of the brain becomes less active when a person is depressed (Depression,” n.d., para. 5). Diagnosis of depression involves the identification of depressive that last longer than two weeks.

As mentioned previously, antidepressant therapy remains the prescribed treatment for Depression. However, current research suggests that this treatment only offers a slight improvement over a placebo, A recent major study revealed that only 30% to 50% of participants reached remission using antidepressants. Malnedo, K (2018, January 18). Magnetic Pulses Healing Medication-Resistant Depression. Retrieved from Considering these statistics, it is promising that TMS is now considered as an alternative treatment.

TMS is a procedure in which magnetic pulses are administered to a patient via electro magnetic coils placed over the scalp. These pulses are centered over the mood or limbic center of the brain. Research has shown that the brain cells in this region are dormant for those with Depression. TMS treatments can last for up to 60 minutes. The duration of treatment can be a month or more. The effects of TMS treatment can completely change the brain chemistry of a patient with Depression. Positive effects can include better concentration, better sleep, and mood.

Depression is a disorder that affects millions of Americans. It can greatly reduce a person’s quality of life. Studies have shown that Antidepressant therapy is not always effective. TMS is a therapy that has been used in the past, and is now becoming known as a possible treatment for Depression. However, it is important that a physician first determines that a patient’s Depression is medication resistant and that they do not have any issues that would disqualify them from TMS treatment.

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