You Are Not Alone.

Hey, you! Welcome back to- The Psych Era. I’m assuming you’ve had an absolute thriller reading these blogs since you returned; however, we will be a bit more serious today. College is beginning to get more and more complex, which is resulting in something we are all familiar with- anxietyBefore I start, I think it is essential to mention this: nobody is perfect. Life is not a straight road; if it were, I would be a millionaire now, and the world would be filled with constant euphoria. Humans are curious by nature; our ability to imagine is what causes us unnecessary stress. For example, we sometimes cause problems due to something known as a self-fulfilling prophecy (disclaimer it is NOT manifestation to my “spiritually woke” readers out there). You know when something is tricky, and you tell yourself, “I can’t do this,” before trying? Yeah… you just set yourself up to fail. The power of the mind is a real thing. If you want to achieve, you must believe; now that needs to go on the internet as a top 10 inspirational quote(audience: laugh hysterically)!


Anxiety: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and More

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Business: Examples & Overview - Video & Lesson Transcript |



Arachnophobia - Updated for 2022 - Pests.orgAnyways, back to the topic. Anxiety occurs in all people because it is a necessary response that humans use to survive; fight or flight is an example of this however, too much of anything is dangerous. Many psychologists state that persistent anxiety that lasts for over six months and affects your life, whether socially or school-wise, is a disorder. This is due to the fact anxiety is correlated with phobia and depression. Allow me to clear the air on a common misconception I often see. Phobia is not the same as being scared. Actual phobia means that an individual will do absolutely anything to avoid the thing that they fear. For example, someone with arachnophobia will do whatever it takes to avoid a spider- and I mean WHATEVERWhy does this occur? Trauma. That is another term many uses loosely, but this is the usual cause of anxiety.


Fear Shadow Disorder - Free image on Pixabay

To further explain, a story is in order. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, lived a baby named Albert. His mother had sold him for the hefty price of one dollar to a man known as John B Watson or, as I like to call him- The Joker. I call him this because he made this baby fear everything through his little “experiment” (torture) in which he would give the baby an item to hold, and as soon as he gripped the object, he would bang two pots together to scare the baby; I’m sure that room stunk. You must be wondering what the point was; well, it is for one to show that trauma is a conditioned response, and two, Watson is a supervillain(baby Albert was scared of literally everything). Anxiety is caused by experiences we face in our childhood. I’m no parent; however, to my older readers, do not be too overprotective with your children. I get it, kids can be annoying, sticky, gross, and overly curious, but if you shield them from the world too much, you may have a baby Albert on your hands. Nurture is vital, and that means letting kids be kids. Anxiety is currently on the RISE because of multiple factors, such as social media and the youth (I just turned 18, so I am not one of them), becoming desensitized to people’s feelings. Is it possible to completely eliminate anxiety? Well, obviously not because we need it to survive; however, there are ways to lower it. I should probably mention a few: exercise, deep breathing, reading, meditation, socializing, seeing a health care provider, etc. Anxiety is never going to just “go away,” but we can all help each other by remembering to put our health first and that we only live once(this is not a free pass to go crazy). Live life to the fullest, and always remember, if you ever feel lonely, anxious, or just need a hug, there is always help. Do not jeopardize your happiness, and never forget- you are loved. See you, beautiful people, next time in The Psych Era. 


The Little Albert Experiment | Practical Psychology

Joker (2019) - IMDb




2 thoughts on “You Are Not Alone.

  1. “If you want to achieve, you must believe.” This is such a good quote and it rhymes! I love your blog’s writing style because you take a relatively heavy topic, yet make it something relatable, funny, and light-hearted. I like how you tied in the story about baby Albert into a bigger picture of how anxieties and trauma’s are first developed in children. Lastly, your point about not being alone is a powerful reminder we all need to hear. I don’t think we realize how many other people may be going through the same fears and feelings as us; just knowing this can make us more empathetic to others and allow us to find the support we deserve.

  2. I really like the progression of your blogs over time. I remember reading the first post and being really engaged and asking you where you might go. Now we are here and you really fell into a rhythm. I like that you always keep the beginnings to a greeting and a recap. Plus, you are not afraid to sidetrack and bring it back in comically. I think since so many people do this in their everyday life, its only fitting for a blog to do it too. This post I think would be beneficial for many people to read because it is easy to simply blanket terms like anxiety and trauma. You make it a point to recognize these are often misunderstood and misapplied, which can make understanding(the ideal end goal to any problem) more difficult. Good job!

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