The Psychological Pain of HeartBreak

Good evening and happy new year! I’ve missed you guys so much and am so excited to kick off the new year with the flamboyant Psych Era. Today we will be talking about something everyone needs- love. Well, that’s a bit sappy, so since we are in the season, let’s discuss heartbreak rather. Ever heard the saying love is like a drug? Now, I know that sounds crazy, but it’s very accurate! We as humans crave it so much due to our need to be wanted or cared for by someone. Psychologists have found that although love triggers emotions, it is more of a motivational state. This is because the brain creates love as a motivator to achieve the desire for affection from another person. Allow me to explain how dangerous that is. Imagine you work your whole life to achieve/accomplish a certain goal, then one day you find out that the thing you worked so hard for was gone. How would you feel(and please don’t lie and say life moves on)? Devastated? Shocked? Depressed? You’d feel various emotions, and a very interesting fact is that parts of the brain that light up when you are addicted to drugs light up during heartbreak. Remember. Based on the information I’ve given, one in the phases of heartbreak is as rational as a drug addict. If you or someone you know is going through heartbreak, take a step back and come back to reality. When something as drastic as this occurs, we tend to become extremists and make up the most outrageous scenarios and statements, such as “I’ll never find someone as perfect as them.” Be serious. Yes, you will. Allow yourself to heal and recover because emotional pain is a real thing.

Love After Heartbreak | Psychology Today


Speaking of which, did you guys know that heartbreak can cause psychological shock? What is that? I thought you guys would- never mind. Anyways psychological shock is simply a physical reaction that is brought on by emotions. Heartbreak can put you in a position where you experience symptoms similar to a heart attack. Yeah,  love really does hurt. Now that we have gone through almost every negative thing possible let’s discuss how you can get over heartbreak! Disclaimer, I am not a licensed psychologist. I am simply giving suggestions to help you. Okay, so first of all, know that there is no step-by-step tutorial to recover from something so painful. As much as we want to feel better and understand why things went wrong, the most essential thing for one to do is to accept the fact the relationship is gone now. You must feel your emotions, cry, be angry and just let it out so you can slowly heal your own heart. As much as we in this generation joke about it, heartbreak is dangerous and can cause seriously complicated to your health if you undergo it too much. That’s why you should take that seriously when someone says to focus on yourself. If you focus on yourself and your growth when the next relationship comes around, you will be free of all the pain and trauma from the previous relationship. Life is a bumpy road but don’t forget we all deserve love. No matter how unworthy you may feel in the moment, remember that everyone has someone that loves them somewhere, and no one person defines your self-esteem or who you are.  



How to know your own worth and boost your-self esteem | Metro News

5 thoughts on “The Psychological Pain of HeartBreak

  1. Wow, I really like the topic of your blogs and totally agree that love affects humans a lot. For example, if you look at crimes, a lot of them are either done because of money or love. I didn’t realize that heartbreak could cause psychological shock though and its cool that you go into ways to get over heartbreak.

  2. I loved this blog post. I am a psychology major, so anything like this is so interesting to me. The style of your writing is easy flowing and makes me want to keep reading your blog. You did a really good job of explaining what heartbreak is in terms that aren’t confusing. You also even included how to get over heartbreak and how it is normal to feel all kinds of emotions. I like how you added information about psychological shock and how most people experience these during breakups. Even though this was a sad topic, you could keep it light-hearted and funny with the puns. I can’t wait to read the rest of your blogs!

  3. I really enjoy learning about psychology so I was super excited to read your blog. After reading your post about heartbreak, I found it interesting how you compared someone going through a heartbreak to a drug addict. I knew having love and true connection to people in your life was very important, but thinking about that comparison really emphasized the importance of it. I also really like how you provided tips to overcome heartbreak such as letting out your emotions at first, and then accepted the loss of the relationship and focusing on yourself. Can’t wait to read more of your posts in the future.

  4. I am currently taking psychology 100, and I really enjoy the class so far! I cannot wait until we get to topics such as emotional trauma and how it manifests in humans, because this blog entry of yours was extremely interesting to me. Having gone through a heartbreak or two myself, I totally agree with everything you said. I know it’s the psychology of the topic, so it makes sense, but it was interesting to compare your thoughts with my own experiences. Heartbreak in any sense, whether it be about a friendship, a relationship, a pet, or something else, is much more painful than some people claim it to be, and I believe that is because of the psychological shock which occurs. However, you are also right in that time heals all problems, and heartbreak gets more and more bearable the longer you wait. You have a really interesting blog!

  5. I think this is an interesting topic to dive into. It is crazy how we can build connections with people and our brain and body literally craves that. I believe that getting into practical tips at the end is helpful and it gives your readers help as they may be going through heartbreak or they will go through it in thee future. Overall, it is written well and the organization made it easy to read!

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