Passion Blog

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Ideas For Passion Blog

Two topics that I think I could write about for my passion blog this semester are mainly things I have noticed recently, and could find interest in writing about in my blog. One of my ideas would be to compare and contrast the differences between linguistics as well as cultural experiences between the east coast and west coast in the United States. I have found already, in the few weeks being on the other side of the country countless differences within speech and mannerisms based off of where a person previously lived. This is something I find very odd, yet intriguing and think could result in an interesting read on my passion blog post. The second topic I find myself to be passionate about, and think could possibly make for a good blog, is the presence of racism in contemporary society. Even in 2019, as we consider ourselves to have more progressive mindsets, the lingering presence of racism has yet to completely disappear in our nation. This is a topic I am extremely passionate about, as I see it occurring quite often to those around me, and is something I have always felt needed to be addressed. Especially now more than ever with certain political situations, the idea of racism seems to be promotes rather then discouraged around the country, which I know is something I am extremely passionate about, and willing to write a blog discussing.


Hello world!


The East Coast and The Best Coast

1 Comment

  1. Veena

    There are a lot of aspects to race and how we handle it as a society. The topic has to be handled with a lot of thought and research. With the topic of differences between linguistic usage, I don’t know if you can do 5 big blog posts about it. Maybe just find differences in other aspects of life too, in different parts of our country – foods that people prepare for the holiday season, differences in how they view certain traditions etc.

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