Subject: Clinical Experience Attendance Policy: 12
Effective Date: 08/07/2012 Standard Element: 3E, 4J, 6K
Purpose: This policy is to ensure that the student completes the required hours for their clinical education. The PTA program students will be required to complete a total of 600 hours consisting of one 3-week experience = 120 hours, and two 6-week experiences = 240.
Policy: Students are expected to demonstrate professional behaviors consistent with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistants. The student is required to complete the specified mandatory hours for each clinical experience.
Procedure: If you will be ABSENT/LATE due to illness or other extreme circumstances not including routine doctor appointments or social events, you must do the following:
1. Contact your Clinical instructor prior to your starting time. Speak to your clinical instructor directly and state your reason for your absence. If the CI is not available, please contact another member of the staff and then try to speak with your CI when they become available, do not leave a voice message without an additional follow-up call.
2. Contact the ACCE via e-mail or phone/text, stating the same information as above. The ACCE is responsible for knowing where each student is during their clinical experience and verifying that the appropriate number of hours are achieved daily.
3. Upon return to the affiliation site, the student will arrange with the clinical instructor to make up the time missed then inform the ACCE of the schedule change.
4. The ACCE will then approve the plan. In instances that your absence extends beyond 1-2 days, the ACCE will determine if this will impact the student’s graduation date or will successfully pass the course. The ACCE will then determine the best course of action if the student needs an extended period of time removed from the clinical site.
5. An extension of time will only be permitted in extreme cases and acceptable circumstances based on the Program Coordinator, ACCE, and CI approval.
Reviewed and revised 6/2015, 6/2024
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