Walmart Eggs: Why Is It Taking So Long?

Walmart is finally jumping on the bandwagon of introducing cage free eggs into their retail stores… It is just going to take them the next nine years to do so.


I’m glad Walmart is making the transition to cage free eggs, it is honestly giving them some good publicity. Good publicity is something that Walmart should always want more of because they are not always known for taking the path most want them to.

Though I am sure they will receive backlash for the length in which it will take them to transition to cage free eggs, with such a large retailer it is going to take time. Yet people don’t like that “excuse”. These days, people wants things now and that gets many retailers and stores in trouble because they cannot feasibly produce things now.

So how do stores deal with the backlash of consumers who think that transitions like these are taking too long or that it may be too late?

I say – complete transparency. You need to tell your consumers the entire reason why it is going to take the retailer so long to make this move. Lay out the plan for what is going to happen and the steps that have already been taken. Prove that this isn’t all talk and there is actually action going on behind the scenes. Walmart had their chief of sustainability officer release a statement that detailed their reasons for cage free eggs taking so long, which was a good decision on their part. Let’s wait to see what they do next!

Source: PR Daily

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