In Conclusion

The semester is ending, so it’s become time to close out another chapter of my life. Thus, it has also come time to write my final passion blog of the semester (for real this time)–and in interest of not being able to think up a book important enough to dedicate my last post to… I’d […]

The Great Kardashi(ans)

The Kardashians. Undeniably one of the most sensational families of all time, but also one of the most annoying. And of course, the ONE time I’ve been waiting for them to rise to media infamy again, I hear absolutely nothing about them for an extended period. I’ve been wanting to write this post for a […]

We’re Back for Round Two!

Well… this is awkward. I signed off on my last post with thanks and goodbyes, as I didn’t believe I’d get around to blogging again. However, and as the title suggests– we’re back for round two! Time for another exciting semester of forcing people to listen to rants about books I’ve read! For that unaware […]

The Ghost Among the Bookshelves.

There was an additional part of the AP Literature curriculum that I don’t believe I’ve mentioned yet. We did not have to read just three books over the summer, but also a secret fourth! The reasoning behind this is rather simple. We were required to complete a Graduation Project (that is to say, a research […]

Macbeth: In the City

For those of you who have been following up with my blog, I have a confession to make… I lied. In my last post, I mentioned how AP Literature’s playscript unit contained three plays, and I was forced to thus write about just one due to time constraints. However, the unit actually had a fourth […]

Paradigm Shift of a Salesman

Some things just don’t seem like they’re meant to mix. Water and oil, gold and silver, perfectionism and mistakes, pineapple and pizza (too cliche?), classic literature and playscripts–at a glance, none of these combinations make any logical sense. Fortunately for me, I encountered one of these combinations in an unexpected place that eventually changed my […]

The Post We’ve All Been Waiting For!

It’s a little hard to believe that the same book that made me cry one cold December morning would eventually be the source of large amounts of laughter, good times, and memes. And it’s a little harder to believe that, almost a year later on one cold October morning, I would sit and write my […]