Pre-Instructional Survey

Gauging your familiarity with portrait photography concepts

Instructions: The questions below are designed to gauge your familiarity with portrait photography concepts. Read each question carefully and select from the answers provided.

  1. (1.3.2A, 1.3.3A) According to Google, the sun sets at 8:30pm on a day that you would like to photograph a family members outdoors. By the time the subject is ready and positioned for the photo it is 7:45pm and the sun is now located behind the camera’s position. Should you proceed with the photo? (Select all that apply)
      1. No, because of the sun’s position the subject may squint
      2. Yes, because of the sun’s position there will be plenty of light on the subject’s face
      3. No, because it is less than 1 hour before sunset natural lighting will not be optimal
      4. Yes, there is plenty of daylight left to take the photograph
      5. Not enough information is available to make this decision

2. (1.4.1A) Match the color combinations on the left to the appropriate color type option on the right:

Color Combination Color Type
1. A. Neutral Colors
 B. Grayscale Colors
3.  C. Complementary Colors 

3. (2.1.2) For photos containing more than one subject, which is the best option for clothing colors:

a. Matching colors
b. Coordinating colors
c. Monochrome colors
d. Distracting colors

4. (2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3) Which of the following clothing/accessory items would be considered problematic from the perspective of taking family portraits? (Select all that apply)

a. A hat with a wide brim
b. A sweater containing distracting patterns
c. Eye glasses with reflective lenses
d. A t-shirt containing a large logo

5. (3.1.2A, 3.1.2B, 3.1.2C, 3.1.2D ) Which step below is NOT required in order to properly attach the camera to the tripod:

a. Locate the threaded screw at the top of the tripod
b. Twist the camera and tripod together until they are snugly joined
c. Turn the tripod’s center post lever counter-clockwise
d. Locate the threaded hole at the bottom of the camera
e. Join the threaded hole in the camera to the threaded screw of the tripod

6. (4.1.3) Which of the options below is an indication that you should add/increase available light in order to achieve proper exposure of your subject?

a. Subject has dark shadows on face
b. Subject has bright spots on face
c. Subject’s posture is not elongated
d. Subject is squinting

7. (4.2.3) Upon viewing your camera’s exposure meter it displays the following reading:

Based on this information, you conclude that taking the photo at the current lighting and camera settings will result in a photo that is:

a. Under-exposed
b. Properly exposed
c. Over-exposed
d. None of the above

8. (5.1.3) Which autofocus mode is best for portraits?

a. Dynamic area
b. Single-Point
c. Continuous
d. Automatic

9. (5.2.4, 5.2.3, 5.2.2) Which item below is NOT a component of achieving proper focus of a subject?

a. Audio indication (beep) confirming that auto-focus has been achieved
b. Removing camera’s lens cap
c. Ensure that camera and tripod are at subject’s eye level
d. Depressing shutter button half-way to activate auto-focus
e. Aim camera’s focus point at subject’s eyes

10. (7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.4.1) While reviewing photos you should confirm that:

a. The subject is positioned as desired
b. There are no overly-dark areas of photo
c. The subject’s eyes are in focus
d. There are no overly-bright areas of photo
e. All of the above

Answer Key

    1. A,C
    2. 1:B, 2:C, 3:A
    3. B
    4. A, B, D
    5. C
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. E

Continue to Lesson 1: Choosing a Photo Shoot Location