Finding Some Queer Love In Color

This article published in the New York Times by Jamal Jordan on June 21, 2018 highlights the hardships and differences when it comes to finding love for queer individuals of color, especially when queer individuals of color are not widely publicized on mainstream media. Jordan documents the experiences of a variety of queer individuals of color and having them explain what finding love was like being a queer individual of color, and the experiences are astounding. It explains the importance of having representation in the mass media because queer individuals of color were not publicly shown in the media. Older couples explained how queer individuals of color were not seen in popular media in the past, and they thought that only queer Caucasian individuals existed. There are also couples now who showcase their relationships from dating to marriage on their social media accounts in order to publicize that queer individuals of color can find love and are here to stay.

This content is important to my archive because it adds a sincere touch to the topic of queer individuals finding love in the age of social media because it explains how when they were in the process of finding love, representation of queer individuals of color were almost non-existent. Many of the couples that were brought up in the article explained how they did not have anyone to look up to or have even heard of queer individuals of color even existing, let alone finding love with a partner. Therefore, these couples explain how they are now more active on social media, to the point of even documenting each step of their relationship, in order to show individuals that queer individuals of color do exist and that they are capable of finding love. They are trying to be role models to those out there who think only queer Caucasian individuals are capable of finding love. Because the media does not do a great job in accurately representing or showing queer individuals of color, these couples want to utilize social media as a platform to reach towards the queer individuals of color community to show them that they are able to find love and that love can come at different ages, sizes, genders, etc.

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