Blog #2

My project focuses broadly on LGBTQA+ rights and culture in Minnesota, so my aim with this archive is to include as many diverse stories as possible. By bringing in as many perspectives as I can find, I hope to paint a more accurate picture of what it was like to live as a queer individual during this time. When researching various articles and items, I’ve found much more information about the history of gay and lesbian culture specifically, with fewer details regarding the culture of trans individual and many other identities. All queer experiences have value and contribute to the history of gay rights, so I am actively trying to include artifacts that focus more broadly on queer culture and laws, rather than zeroing in on one specific identity. This will hopefully ensure that no group of people is entirely excluded from the story I am trying to tell.

Published by: Hannah Brewster

Hannah Brewster is a senior at Penn State, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders, in the hope of one day becoming a speech-language pathologist.

Categories Blog1 Comment

One thought on “Blog #2”

  1. Hannah!

    I like that you’re making a strong effort to cover everyone in the queer spectrum! I feel like the reason why trans people are harder to come by in history is that perhaps people perceived it the same way people view drag today. Perhaps try looking up drag shows and such. Looking forward to the rest of your archive!

    (Also I love your background)

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