Organ Attack

Organ Attack is a fun and silly card game that is absolutely savage when you play it with competitive friends. In this game, you are given a set of organs that you have to protect. These are displayed in front of you for all players to see. In your hand, you have cards with medicines to defend your organs – but you are also given deathly diseases and ailments used to damage your opponent’s organs. There are specific diseases that effect specific organs, as well as some that are general and can affect any of them. There are also cards that are defensive or reactive, such as the “contagious” card – once someone attacks one of your organs, you can then attack theirs.

Generally, it takes two diseases to remove an organ from the game, but there are some stronger cards that count as two. There is even a card that allows you to steal someone’s organ (this will 100% end in a life long vendetta between you and your friends if you play this card). The game ends when only one person is left with organs. As in life, there are only certain diseases that can affect certain organs (ex. the appendicitis card will only affect the appendix), but there are other cards that can affect multiple organs of your choosing. This often limits who you can attack, as it can only be whoever has the organs that correspond to the diseases you have in your hand. You can strategically freeze yourself, or freeze your opponents, to protect yourself from attacks or prevent an opponent from playing cards.

Recently, the creators of this game added an extension so the game can play up to six players, which is the exact size of my friend group, so I was very excited. The art for this game was done by Awkward Yeti, who created the popular “Heart and Brain” comic series.


Strategy – There is definitely a level of strategy in who you attack and when (it is more dangerous to piss off certain friends over others!). Trying to decide if you should freeze yourself or someone else, focus on one organ or try to get multiple, and who to retaliate against when they attack you all give this game a fun level of strategy.

Aesthetic – I absolutely love when games make their packaging fun. The box for Organ Attack looks like a little book, and has the medical staff on the front – it’s super cute! The art on the cards is another great thing about this game. Every card has a little joke, and it just adds an extra level of hilarity to the game.

Elimination – One thing that I am not a fan of in most games is the element of elimination. I would rather there be one action that ends a game than a mechanic that allows a player to be eliminated. If other players happen to get all the cards that correspond to your organs and you are removed from the game right away, then you just have to sit there and wait for everyone else to be done. If there was one improvement I would make to this game, it would be to remove the possibility of elimination.

Overall, I give Organ Attack a 7.5/10

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