August 2019 archive

Is PrettyMuch the Next Big Boyband?

Boybands have been around since the mid 1900’s and have been capturing the hearts of teenage girls ever since. After the breakdown of the mega pop group One Direction in 2017, there’s been a gap in the music industry while we wait for the next big boyband. However, I think I may have stumbled upon the group that may have what it takes to be the next big thing and their name is PrettyMuch.

Fig. 1. Entertainment Weekly

On paper the group may look like every other boyband as they dance, sing and have boyish good looks but there’s much more than what meets the eye. Comprised of members Zion Kuwonu, Brandon Arreaga, Austin Porter, Nick Mara and Edwin Honoret, they were put together by Simon Cowell who historically has success in the industry with One Direction. The boys have already made a name for themselves by releasing their first single called “Would You Mind” in 2018 and acquiring over 6 million views to date. Just recently in 2019, they released the Phases EP which was also met with success.

There are so many new and emerging boybands but PrettyMuch seem to be able to capture the attention of older teens better than any other. The question is why? One reason is simply that music listeners want to be able to relate to artists and PrettyMuch gives many that opportunity. All of the members of PrettyMuch vary in background, each being from different states including New York, Texas, New Jersey, North Carolina and even Ottawa, Canada. Besides the states they are from, they all have different ethnic backgrounds and fans appreciate the diversity seen in the group because other groups do not have this trait.

Another aspect that makes PrettyMuch stand out is that most current groups go for a clean cut image, but PrettyMuch does not. In fact, they are quite the opposite. Images of them partying often appear on their Instagram stories. Some members openly post and/or talk about their use of marijuana which is legal in LA where they all share a house. Many people view them as just normal teens having fun making music. This “typical teenager” persona has certainly worked for them thus far as they continue to better and expand their brand. Will they be the next One Direction, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC or Boyz II Men? Only time will tell but for now they are just a bunch of boys having fun while making music and fans are loving it.

Fig. 2. The Sacramento Bee