Harry Styles

Okay so I already know what you’re thinking, “Harry Styles is certainly NOT a new and upcoming artist” and you would be right in thinking that. However, Styles just released a new song that is just so unique and quite frankly amazing so, I just have to talk about it.

Fig.1, Lights up, Gulf News

I am sure you have heard his name before but let me give you some background information on Styles. He was a part of one of the biggest boybands ever One Direction which was formed on the British X factor in 2010. One Direction had massive success with their debut single What Makes You Beautiful and their popularity grew rapidly from there. After 5 full length albums and one member leaving the band announced in 2015 that they would be taking a break. Now it is end of 2019 and all the members have released solo music and there is little chance that the band will reunite anytime soon.

Fig.2,  One Direction, Cosmo

Styles has had the most success with his solo career thus far especially with his song Sign of The Times which hit number one on iTunes. His first album could be described as a rock-pop album and it was extremely well received even by those who were not fans of his former boyband. During this period Harry also acted in Dunkirk which is a World War 2 film. Many applauded his acting abilities and questioned whether he would launch an acting career. As of now, there is no new news on that, but fans can hope!

Last week Styles released his first single in nearly two years. It was seemingly out of the blue as there was no announcement of the release but it was a great surprise for fans. The new song is called Lights Out it is extremely different than Harry’s first album. It has a pop-alternative feel and the music video is extremely unique. The video is definitely more sensual. than what Styles has created in the past and it features a ton of extras. The lyrics also represent that Styles is a changed person who feels no regret for who he has evolved into. The question “do you know who you are?” is repeated throughout the song. Listeners can interpret this as Styles asserting that he has finally found his place in the music industry. Fans are still waiting for an announcement of a new album, but for now, I have Lights Up on repeat.

1 Comment on Harry Styles

  1. lkm5462
    October 18, 2019 at 6:07 pm (5 years ago)

    There’s simply no way that a person could not love Harry Styles. He is the cutest human being in the world. Not only is he super attractive, but also just so down to earth and talented. I need to listen to his new song. Every time Sign of the Times comes on I shed a little tear. I’ll keep you updated on my thoughts.


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