
Every kid has those memories of going to some small theme park with camp or their family, well for me that place is Adventureland! Adventureland is exactly what you would think it is, a theme park! Adventureland is located in Farmingdale, Long Island. Nearly all true Long Islanders have had the experience of going at least once, but if you are like me you probably forced your parents to take you every year. Im not going to lie the park is fairly small and probably best for those under 12, but still quite the experience!

Fig. 1 , Adventureland, Trip 

I would consider Adventureland an extremely mini Six Flags as it has every type of ride just much smaller. There is even a haunted house which seems to be re-done every summer for no specific reason. You could easily walk through the entire park in about 5-10 minuets, so it is tiny!

It is funny to think back to the times where I was terrified to go on the “big” rollercoaster called     The Hurricane. At the time, it just seemed so much bigger than it truly is and just displays the differences in a child’s mine. Unfortunately, that particular rollercoaster has been torn down since but has been recently replaced by a new one called Turbulence. I have not been on this one because it was built after I grew out of that Adventureland phase. However, I often think back to my times on the creaky old rollercoasters and haunted houses. Fun fact, I used to cry on the haunted house ride because I was so terrified of ghosts!

Most importantly, Adventureland is a place for families. I have such fond memories of smiling with my brother as well as my parents while forcing my parents to go onto every single ride with me even though they did not want to go on the spinning rides. We would eat all that unhealthy fair food like cotton candy and fries. It brings me a smile to my face whenever I think about it, and I am sure that I am not the only one who feels this way.

I used to go with my camp as an end of summer trip and I remember that I was terrified to go on the seemingly huge rollercoaster. My counselors encouraged me to go on, I was shaking all the way up the track, When we started to go down the hill I find our  out that I loved rollercoasters. This is one of the first times that I can really remember facing one of my fears and I think that it is pretty hilarious it was at Adventureland of all places.

Any young kids will have the most amazing day spent at Adventureland because when you are so young, it feels so huge. One day in the very far future, I will surely be bringing my kids to Adventureland so they have the chance to experience the joy it has brought so many, including me.

Fig 2, Adventureland, Facebook

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